Chapter 4

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*My imagination on what I think Tina look like since ive never seen the person this character is based off of in real life! Enjoy!

Chapter 4

Shadow hand shot out so fast it scared everybody. He clutched onto Tina shirt and pulled her to him.

"Please reapeat that one more time I think I got some wax in my ears." Tina looked like she was about to cry.

"Come on, cause for a second I thought you said you was pregnant-" he looked away and laughed "but you know better then that right? You know I'll beat the shit out of you-"

"Shadow let her go, Shadow stop thats enough!" I said pushing him away from her as he started to shake her and tears fell from her eyes.

Everybody looked at us wide eyed! "Thats enough? She 16 and pregnant. Just because you was 14 and pregnant being fast dont mean shit she aint you she aint gone never be like yo ass." My mouth hung open.

I cant believe he just said that to me. Shadow eyes opened wide with realization. I didn't stay to hear anymore though, I grabbed my stuff and left.


I made it to my dad house in no time. "Tiny?" I called as I walked in the house.

"Wassup Britt?" Cherry said coming down the long narrow hallway.

"Nun much um Tiny here?"

"Yea I think she trynna put Malcolm to sleep." She said walking into the living room.

I sighed, thinking about what Shadow said got me upset but I'm more hurt then I am mad. "So what he do this time?" Cherry said looking up from her phone.


"Dont play dumb with me little girl answer my question."

"Nothing I wanna talk about right now." I mumbled.

"What'chu doing here Britt?" Tiny said coming in looking tired.

"Nothing just felt like being around family." I gave a weak smile that made Tiny frown.

"And Shadow bitch ass made her mad." Cherry was nose deep into her phone yet she still all over here.

"Cherry shut up damn!"

"Dont try and take yo anger out on me cause Shadow punk ass pissed you off."

"Yea and you only pissing me off more."

"So what if you mad then stay mad with yo mad ass."

"Cherry shut the fuck up!" Tiny said.

"And who gone make me? Not neither one of y'all with y'all rabbit head asses." Me and Tiny shared a look before we jumped on her.

"Who you talking to bitch you aint about that life?" Tiny growled.

"Get y'all big asses off me!" Cherry laughed as she tried to push us off.

"All y'all get y'all big asses off my couch like that." My dad yelled.

All our faces screwed up as we turned to look at my dad and and uncle 8.

"Britt what'chu doing here?" My dad asked grabbing Tiny off the couch by her waste.

"Can I stay here for a while?"

"Why?" I sighed my dad always had to know why.

"Cause I wanna be around family. Damn daddy you acting like im not welcomed here."

"Thats cause yo ass not and when Malcolm get grown he can disappear with yo ass." My uncle 8 and Cherry laughed at this but I dont think Tiny found it funny.

"Aint neither one of them going no where with you black ass." She said pulling his dreads.

"How about I make a deal with yo ass. You give me some ass and Britt can stay." He smiled at her.

"Damn dad I like how me living here depends on whether or not Tiny giving you some ass."

"Shut the fuck up lil girl."

"You shut up Black my baby can stay." Tiny commented.

"Thank you Tiny." I said going upstairs I real life missed my old room. I instantly stripped and got in the shower, I was in there for a good 30 or 40 minutes. The entire time my phone would not stop ringing. Drying off I sat down to look at my phone.

27 missed Calls, 42 text messages, 17 voice messages.

I shook my head cause most of this shit was from Shadow. But I did have one text message from Tina.

My Little Book Worm
Hi Britt... Thank you for sticking up for me and I just want you to know my brother didn't mean anything he said he was just mad

Bad Bitch Britt
You shouldnt make excuses for him Tina

My Little Book Worm
Im not but I know he didnt mean it he even said sorry for jacking me up!

Bad Bitch Britt
Tina who is yo baby daddy?

It took a good twenty minutes for her to reply but when she did my heart stopped.

My Little Book Worm
... James

Bad Bitch Britt
James as in Shadow's James?

My Little Book Worm
Please dont tell him Britt he'll be pissed

Bad Bitch Britt
Girl fuck yo brother he can eat my pussy while he texting me with his ugly ass!

Immediately after my phone rang I automatically assumed it was Tina.

The Daddy You Will Obey
Britt quit acting like a damn child and text me back girl damn! How mamy times I gotta say sorry huh I love you damn what more do you want?

Bad Bitch Britt

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