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Selena - bold
Taylor - italics
Ariana - bold italics

"You know that we love you, Sel but I think you really should tell him."

"We love you, Selena. But at least give him something. He deserves to know something at least."

"Don't you think I know that?! I want to tell him but if I would it would just break him even more."

"And what about you? Why do you have to go through all the breaking all by yourself? We get it, we really do. You feel like it's your fault, you feel like if he stayed with you he would be missing something and that scares you, we get it but he loves you, he loves you more than anyone ever could and he wouldn't leave."

"But that's the problem. You didn't hear him. It broke my heart listening to him when he called me. It was as if all the pain I never let out and just held inside finally got out and suddenly the heartbreak was even more painful than before. I want to be with him, he is the love of my love but maybe I am not his."

"God Selena, I swear that I have never met anyone like you. We will support you no matter what but once he finds out and remember he will, he always does, it will break him even more than it broke you."

"You know what? Go to sleep, what time is in LA? It's morning in New York, so it must be something after midnight in LA and you really should go to sleep. We will talk once you get your beauty sleep."

"Taylor is right and if it annoys you then you should move here to NYC. We wouldn't mind and Abel wouldn't mind as well."

"Okay, I love you. Goodnight."


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