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Selena - bold
Harry - italics

Saying Selena was nervous would be understatement, she was terrified. She didn't know how is Harry going to react, hell she didn't even know how to tell him. She feared that she would lose him, she lost him when they broke up but this time it might be different because she would lose him in a different way. In a way that could break her even more. There were car lights in the driveway so she knew Harry was here. She opened the door before Harry had the chance to ring the bell.

And when she did she finally saw him. It has been over 4 months and her heart might be even more hurting than when she broke it off. She sacrifices everything for the person she loved even if the person wasn't aware of it.
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"hi, come in." she said and let him inside of her house
"Do you want something to eat or drink?" She asked with her voice trembling the more she talked

"no, i don't want anything except for the answer. Remember? You said you would tell my why you left so tell me." He said with a little bit of hurt in his eyes.

"Yeah, you are right. But sit down, you are making me nervous when you are standing."

And he sat down on the sofa, she looked at him before taking her eyes off him.

"This is where the talking part comes in." Harry reminded her

"Yeah, sure. You are correct."

"So um, few weeks? No more like two weeks before I cancelled the tour and we broke up I went to the hospital. Um- I wasn't feeling very well and I thought maybe I am sick or maybe I am pregnant." She chuckled
"So I got checked and they did urinalysis because it's like the easiest way how to find out anything. That's what they said. So they told me that it's just virosis. Nothing serious but about the pregnancy thing, well."
She stopped and tear fell down her cheek.
"They told me that I am not pregnant and that it's possible that I might never be."

"What do you mean?"

"They said that it has something to do with ovaries being unable to mature and release eggs or something like that but they said that even if this was alright it wouldn't matter because when you are pregnant and you have a lupus it can stress your kidneys and you know that my kidneys are already bad."

She chuckled again but it was the sad chuckling that broke Harry's heart everytime she would do that.

"Okay" Harry let out a heavy breath "that still doesn't explain why you broke up with me."

"Don't you get it? We always talked about settling down and having kids and we can't do that. Even if we would adopt it wouldn't be the same because you always talked how it's going to be amazing once I will carry your child. Once we will be a real family. And I can't give you that. I can't give you the pleasure and happiness you would get if I was pregnant."

She closed her eyes for a while and let her breathing get into normal

"I love you more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. And you would say that it's okay, that we would adopt and we would still be a family but deep down I know that you would hate me for not being able to give you kids, you think I am wrong but deep down I know. You would leave me because I wouldn't be able to give you what you always wanted. Not being able to have children is already making me feel less of a woman and is killing me but the thought of you leaving me because of it, that would broke me. That would destroy me completely."

She wiped her tears away and took another deep breath

"I left you because I was so scared of you leaving me when I wouldn't be able to take a heartbreak anymore. The thought of you leaving me for somebody who would be able to give you the only thing I can't."

She couldn't take it anymore and broke down into a cry that seemed to be endless. Harry was shocked and there was something he couldn't completely understand. Why in a God's name would Selena ever think that? He got up and took her into his arms. They were like that for at least another 10 minutes and she wasn't sure how it happened but the next day she woke up in her bed in the clothes she was wearing yesterday, it all clicked together. He took her to her bed and left. Just like she did over 4 months ago.

 Just like she did over 4 months ago

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