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Selena - bold
Harry - italics

Hi Harry, I am not sure why
i am texting you but there is something i need to tell
you and i know you are in LA
sent at 3:43pm

So if you just can reply but
i will understand if you won't
sent at 3:44pm

What exactly do you
need to talk about?
sent at 3:56pm

Something important?
sent at 3:57pm

You asked what was the real reason of our break up so I
thought I'd give you the answer
sent at 4:15pm

I mean if you're still interested
sent at 4:16pm

Yeah I am
sent at 4:23pm

Is it okay if I come to your
place tomorrow?
sent at 4:25pm

Or today if you are free
sent at 4:26pm

Today is fine
sent at 4:29pm

Around 7pm if it's okay?
I won't be home earlier so 🤷‍♀️
sent at 4:31pm

Seen at 4:32pm

Kay Seen at 4:32pm

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