The Ocean's Plea

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Insomnia, what is it? I consider it an opportunity to be calm and reflect on questions that only come to light in the dark.

But I'm tired of thinking.

I'm in a tent now, on a camping trip with my family on the coast. It's late.

I close my eyes in the last attempt to sleep.

A murmur catches my attention. Resigned, I sit up and, trying not to make noise, I leave the tent.

Once outside, I stay still and close my eyes. A light breeze caresses my shoulders and tickles my nose, then it whispers:

- Help ... Save me ...

Upon hearing this I paralyze, my heart wants to help, my mind orders me to run. But now there is nowhere to escape. In seconds, the whisper multiplies and increases its volume, becoming  screaming voices. They are everywhere. A whirlwind imprisons me and drags me to an unknown place.

Each plea is like a blow on my stomach. Everything around me disappears. The tent and a few trees that surrounded me have been replaced by an infinite blue that I recognize instantly: it's the ocean.

The screams are getting louder. I try to cover my ears, but the request comes from within. Gusts of wind make me fall on my knees.

Suddenly, the wind ceases and transforms. Now, locked in a bubble, I fall to the bottom of the sea.

I brush away the hair from my face and when paying attention, I realize that there is no just water, the ocean has brought all kinds of waste.

The screaming vanishes ... Murmurs return.

- Help! - whispers a breathy and weak voice - Plastic ...!

Sitting on the concave and slippery surface I notice that the ocean ... cries. He weeps inconsolably and asks for help.

I get up and after trying a couple of times, I manage to balance myself.

Clumsily, I dip my arm up to the shoulder in the water around me, and I feel a net. I bring it to me and I start working. I pick up everything in my path: bags, trays, bottles, lots  of waste.

The capsule rises, and the top reaches the surface. Instantly the bubble explodes, and nothing prevents me from going out to breathe.

I swim towards the shore.

I hurry out and leave the net on the sand. Exhausted, I look around: it's day, I'm on the same beach as before. I turn around, I see my family's camp.

I sigh with relief. I grab the net and throw its contents sorting them out into the nearest recycling bins.

I turn round, and a breeze caresses me.

- Thanks ... You took the right path ...

Satisfied with my unexpected work, I return to my place in the tent, all wet and dirty. In the end, helping does not cost so much.

Planet Earth, what is it? Our only home, let's take care of it.

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