Chapter 7

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Hey guys I know that it's been a while since I last posted but I've had a serious case of writers block when it comes to this story, I seriously need input and suggestions. Please help me! However my delay in posting is probably also in part to the original stories of mine that I'm still currently in the process of developing.

Cyborg P.O.V

It's only been two weeks since BB started meeting with Raven, and already he has started showing improvement. He hasn't been spending as much time locked up in Terra's room anymore, and the last time I asked him to play video games, he actually said yes!
He also has been spending more time with Robin and Star lately, as well as doing things out of the tower. And I swear, I'm certain that I caught him with a book a week ago after coming back from a shopping trip, however when I confronted him he instantly denied it.
     He still can be pretty cold to us if we mention anything about Terra or having to do with his romantic life, but he's getting there.
I hope that one day he will be able to talk to me about all of this, and I mean really talk. I want to know what he's going through and what emotional torment he's dealing with. It might be a while before that happens though, because though he is obviously trying to spend more time with us he doesn't speak his mind all the time the way the old Beast Boy did.
Anyway... the team is currently working out in the training room, Robin insisted on it. It makes sense honestly because after all that has been going on we haven't trained in a while.
     Robin even made BB join us, much to his displeasure. I'm glad that Beast Boy decided to join us no matter how reluctantly he made that decision.
     Today we were sparring with each other  and I'm pretty sure that Robin partnered us up in this orientation for a reason no matter how many times he denies it. The set up was Raven and BB, Robin and Star, then there was me verses a simulated version of Robin.
     Of course the little spiky haired egomaniac, based the new combat simulator that I just added to the the tower off himself. But unfortunately he had made the simulation far harder for me to defeat than he would be in real life.
     I dodge another attack as the virtual Robin again tries to swipe at my head with his bow staff. Distracted by blocking his weapon I don't notice him preparing to kick me in the side until a sharp painful sensation causes me to double over and gasp for breath.
When I recover, and see him coming at me again I aim my arm cannon at the virtual copy cat. He attempts to jump out of the way of the blast but his arm gets caught in the ray and is blown clean off.
     "Take that, you spiky haired little twerp!" I shout victoriously, happy to have finally been able to have one of my shots hit the target.
      "Hey!" I glance to my right to see Robin with an irritated and slightly offended expression.
     I shrug nonchalantly. "Relax dude, I was talking to the robot not you."
     A muscle next to Robin's eye twitches, something that I've noticed happens when he is on the verge of becoming angry. This will be fun.
     "The fighting sequence was based off of me!" He claims angrily.
     I smirk. "Well clearly," I say mischievously. "Why else would I call it a spiky haired little twerp?"
"Or an infuriating  know-it-all..."
Grinning, Beast Boy walks into the conversation. "When did you call him that?" He asks.
Happy to see him join the conversation, I decide to try to make him laugh.
I shrug nonchalantly. "I'm not quite sure..." I say slowly. "I've insulted him to many times in the past week to keep track."
"Seriously? Cyborg!" Robin exclaims angrily.
     "What?" I ask, faking innocence, as I hear Beast Boy snicker behind me.
      Robin rakes a hand through his spiky hair, and groans as he rubs his face with the other hand. "Ugh... you know what, I'm just not going to argue with you anymore." Removing his hand from his hair, he shakes his head. "I'm just going to go back to training with Starfire."
     As Robin begins walking away I call out to his turned back. "Don't let the defeat get to you buddy! It was inevitable anyway!"
     His only response is to glance back with an irritated glare then continue walking.
     I turn back towards BB, and as soon as Robin is out of earshot we both break out laughing.
     "Aw man! He looked pissed!" Beast Boy exclaims in between fits of high pitched laughter.
     "He is such a drama queen." I say, smiling.
     "Yeah..." he trails off, snickering. "Oh!" He suddenly punches his hand in determination. "We should totally prank him today! That would be so fun!"
     I put up my hand stopping him. "Sorry bro I can't."
     BB's expression turns to a frown. "Oh, why not?" He asks, seemingly a small pang of hurt in his voice.
     "Because I al-ready did!" I declare.
Instantly BB's old goofy grin returns to his face and his eyes become wide with mischief. "Really? Oooooh! What did you do?"
I smirk. "You're just going to have to wait and find out tomorrow."
"What? Come on dude!" Beast Boy pouts.
I just shake my head.
"Pretty pleeeeease!"
"Cherry on top?"
"Nuh uh."
"Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" *takes breath* "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!"
"Fine." I say.
"Ugh, you forced my hand, I'm gonna have to bring out the big guns." He claims with his head held high.
I raise an eyebrow. "Big guns huh?"
"Yup!" He replies happily.
Suddenly he turns into a little green kitten.
Why would he transform into a tiny ca-"
Instantly he nails me with his now giant pair of big green eyes.
"Ugh, not the face! Anything but the face." I holler as I try to look away from the pure cuteness before me. "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"
"So I guess that this means I win." The cat says as he licks his chops victoriously (and slightly smugly).
That damn cat.
"I hate you."
He blinks up at me then smirks (can cats smirk?). "Oh come on, who could hate this face?"
I groan. "Oh lay off." I retort.
BB just chuckles then rolls over on his back, still as a cat he stretches out on the ground.
Both of us stay silent for a moment, listening to the others train.
"Hey Cy?" I hear BB ask, seemingly hesitant.
I glance down at him from where I'm standing. "Yeah bro?"
I watch as his tail swishes back and forth nervously. "I just wanted to let you know that... you were right."
Him saying that surprises me and I look down at him, straight in the eye. "I was right?" I ask.
"Yeah." He says, nodding seriously. Which I have to admit, as a cat looks kinda ridiculous. "About everything." He takes a deep breath. "I know that I've been such a jerk these past few months, and you have every right to yell at me. I've said some horrible things, but I'm trying to heal, and I guess what I am really trying to say is..." he transforms back to his usual self, "I'm sorry."
For a moment I just look at him. "Oh come on dude, don't go getting all sappy on me now!" I insist loudly. "I don't need you telling me stuff I already know. I know you're sorry, and I know you'll make it up to me, to all of us. You don't have to worry about us forgiving you cause you are already forgiven, we're a family man, and family sticks together." I hold up my fist. "Bros for life, right?"
He grins up at me then slowly gets to his feet. "Bros for life." He says as he bumps his fist with mine.
"Good." I state with a grin as I pull my green skinned best friend into a side hug. "Because I can't wait to tell you about the never ending day of chaos I have planned for Robin tomorrow."

Raven POV

I was happy to see Beast Boy joking with Cyborg during training this morning. However I have to admit, I am slightly worried about what they were talking about when they were whispering to each other earlier. Probably some kind of prank.
They were arguing with Robin before, so I can only assume that he will be their next victim.
I better watch my step, I don't want to be caught up in the middle of their idiocy again. But believe me if I do, there will be hell to pay.
Honestly their pranks can be pretty funny sometimes, (when they're not on me) but I'd never tell them that. Like that time when they snuck into Robin's room while he was gone, and posted half naked images of Starfire all over the walls.
Man was he furious.
He made the both of them do ten laps around the tower then come back inside to do extensive training in the gym. But to them I'm pretty sure it was worth it. Even I still think that the look on Robin's face when he stepped inside his room was hysterical. Somewhere in between a blush and a look of pure rage.
Of course this was all before they started dating so naturally he threatened all of us that if we whispered a word of it to anyone he would would force us all to train for three days without stopping.
Sometimes I question how I've stayed friends with these whack jobs for so long. They drive me insane, yet make me so happy at the same time.
The alien princess, the brooding ex apprentice, the half robot, the green freak of nature, and the daughter of a demon warlord. We are quite the bunch.
But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Well, I hope you enjoyed, I know that it was short but I didn't have much inspiration for this chapter. I have quite a few ideas for the next chapter, and I swear I'm going to try to post it faster than I did for this one, but my life has been kinda busy lately.
It's been my dream for a long time to write my own original story and I've finally been making some progress on one of them so I've been working on that instead of updating this story. I know that that isn't a good excuse, so I'm sorry.
Yeah... I am aware that I'm rambling
Anyway, thanks for reading.
Ocean is out.😉

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2019 ⏰

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