Chapter 2

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Hi it's me again thanks so much to those who are reading this and giving this story a chance. I know currently this story is probably kinda boring so far but I swear I will try to make it better. Feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated just so you know. Anyway I hope you enjoy chapter 2.

Cyborg. POV

     As I play Mega Monkeys 4 I think about what Raven said, are we bad friends since we left him alone for this long? I sigh under my breath, even before Raven told me to talk to him I have been asking myself this question all month.
     I really miss beating Beastie's ass at video games, and since he stopped hanging out with me I've been feeling pretty lonely. I know that seeing Terra again was really hard for him and I get that, but dude! It has been three months! Three months! I need my bro back!
     I set down my X-box controller then turn off the TV. As I head towards his room, I try to think about what I'm going to say to him. Should I be blunt, and tell him to knock it off and get his green butt out of his room? Or should I try and reason with him? I shake my head as I sort through what I'm gonna do.
Hesitantly I knock on his door and wait for reply, when he doesn't answer or tell me to go away I press my ear to the door, silence. I move back thinking, where could he have gone? Then I remember, Raven mentioned something about him staying in Terra's room all day, I walk across the hall to her old room then knock again. Almost instantly the door opens, to reveal Beast Boy with an annoyed expression on his face.
     "What do you want?" He asks angrily.
     "What do you think I want?" I ask harshly. "I want my bro back."
     Beastie shakes his head slowly then starts to shut the door. "That's not who I am anymore and you need to accept that."
     Suddenly I grab the door with both hands and wrench it open surprising him. He falls back a few steps from the door, giving me the opportunity to come in. "What are doing?" He stammers. "Get out!"
     "Dude, BB, why are you like this? What happened?" I ask. "Is this about Terra? Because if it is-"
Suddenly BB cuts me off screaming, "Don't ever say her name again! Don't ever even mention her! You'll never understand how much this hurts!"
"You don't think I know what heartbreak feels like?" I yell at him. "I've had girlfriends before! I know!"
"Oh yeah?" He yells back. "Has a girl you loved, ever lied to you, betrayed you, then finally come back only to forget you?!"
"Dude! You don't even know that was Terra! That girl you met just could've looked like her!"
"That was her!" He screams. "I'd know her anywhere!"
"It doesn't matter if she was or wasn't!" I yell, raging on the inside. "She's gone now Beast Boy! Gone! Get over it!"
     "You don't think I know that!" He shouts at me. "She's basically dead and now I'll never see her again!"
     "But she's not dead BB! And she's happier now, you need to let her go, she's just a girl!"
     "She's not just a girl! She's Terra! You don't get it! I knew her better than anyone!"
     "Believe it or not Beastie, I do get it I do! She was my friend too, and we all loved her, but you have to let people go. She was our teammate and friend, that betrayed us yet eventually chose our side in the end. She deserves this." I say.
     "She deserves to lose her memory?!"
     "No." I say. "She deserves to be happy."
I slowly take a deep breath, calming myself as he just stares at me dumbfounded. "You're hurting your friends because of the pain she caused you." I say to him slowly. "That isn't fair to us. So when you finally realize everything that we've done and sacrificed for you, and how much we care for you, come find us. Until then..." I shake head slowly. "Do whatever you wish, stay in here and wither in your sorrows for all I care."
I start to walk to the door but BB's voice stops me. "I'll leave." He threatens quietly, his voice weak. "I'll leave and never come back."
I turn back around to look at him and I see fear in his eyes. "Then leave." I say. "No one's stopping you."
I sigh sadly when I see him look at the floor. "Even though Robin told me to leave you alone I don't think that was the right call. I agree with Raven, you needed a talking to, and you need to understand that you are a part of a team. How you act effects all of us, not just you."
"Why would Raven care?" I hear him ask. "She hates me."
"She cares because you're her friend. And even though it may seem that way, she has never hated you. She's your friend and she cares about you, we all care about you."
And with that I turn around then walk out the door.

Starfire. POV

     I was sitting on the couch and eating the popped corn while watching one of friend Beast Boy's movies when I heard the yelling. I instantly jumped up from the couch forgetting the popped corn that was on my lap. All of the corn landed upon the small carpet that I stoop to pick up. I pick each of them up and place them in the bowl. I smile when I finish my task but when I remember why I had to pickup the popped corn in the first place, I hurry down the to where I heard the fighting.
I spot friend Cyborg walking away from where I had heard the commotion and he is clearly upset. I walk beside him intent on find what has made him feel the sadness.
"Friend Cyborg what has caused you to have the face of the sad?" I ask.
"It's nothing Star." Friend Cyborg replies.
"Nothing? How can the nothing make you sad?"
For some reason friend Cyborg laughs. "No Star." He says and shakes his head. "I'm just mad at Beast Boy."
"What has friend Beast Boy done to make you the mad then? I have noticed that he has not been of himself."
"Yeah BB is being a real dick at the moment, but you should give him time to calm down then maybe he will be more like himself." Friend Cyborg says.
"Yes friend Cyborg, I shall give him the time but perhaps could you do the explaining of something?" I ask.
"Sure Star, what?"
"I do not understand why you have called friend Beast Boy the Dick. Is boyfriend Robin not the Dick? Is that not his name?",
Friend Cyborg suddenly bursts out in fits of laughter, the cause of which I am uncertain. "Friend Cyborg what is wrong?"
He claps one hand on my shoulder then smiles at me. "Don't ever change Star." He says, then walks off leaving me even more confused then I was before I asked. I shake my head to clear it and try to do the focusing on something else.
Perhaps friend Raven would enjoy going to the mall. I think to myself as go to the common room. I find friend Raven sitting upon the sofa reading one of her books. I sit next to her and wave to try to get her attention.
     "Friend Raven would you like to come to the mall of shopping with me?" I ask hopefully.
     "No Star I'm reading." Friend Raven says. "Can't you go with Robin?"
     "Unfortunately I cannot, boyfriend Robin has gone to the city of the Gotham. He says it is of great importance."
     Friend Raven nods slowly then looks back at her book. "I am sorry friend if I am insecting you again I am just in need of some of the girls time." I say sadly.
     Friend Raven looks up and gives me a odd look. "Insecting?" She asks. "What does that- oh you mean bugging me."
     "Have I said something wrong?" I ask worried.
     "No Star, it's fine." She replies.
     "So will you do the shopping with me?"
     I hear friend Raven sigh. "Yes I will go shopping with you Star, but only if we stop by my favorite book store."
     "Oh glorious!" I yell happily. "We must now change our clothes to go to the mall of shopping, we shall meet back here in fifteen minutes!"
     I skip to my room of the bed joyfully, leaving behind friend Raven to get dressed in her's.

Please tell me in the comments if my story is good or if there is anything I should change, I want to become a better writer. Thanks so much again for reading. Bye.

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