Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans

I have never written a fan fiction before in my life so please don't judge if it's not that good, that being said I would love to hear input and ideas for my story. Thanks.

Raven. POV

     It has been 3 months since we came back from Tokyo, and Starfire and Robin started dating. We were all happy for them, but soon enough when we returned to the tower, things became normal again and we returned to our daily routines. We haven't had a lot of crime around lately which is most likely caused by our defeat of the brotherhood of evil, so we've had some free time around the tower.
I start walking up to the roof to meditate, hoping I get there before anyone else wakes up. On my way I pass by Terra's old room, and hesitate by the door. I sense Beast Boy inside her room sleeping, which is something he started doing after the last time he tried to talk to her. I sigh, then continue walking. Beast Boy hasn't been himself this month, he hasn't played video games with Cyborg, and he hasn't made one of his trademark corny jokes. But to be honest even though I am enjoying the silence of the tower, I miss the old Beast Boy. Robin told us to leave him alone for a while, but now it has been a month and he still barely speaks to us. Maybe I should try to convince Cyborg to talk to him later, though I'm not sure how effective that will be since he refuses to talk to even him.
The trip to Tokyo did do him some good at least, he was back to his perky self for a while. Cyborg was overjoyed to see him come back, but as soon as he stepped foot into the tower he just seemed to disappear again, back into his room and into his own mind. I'm worried about him, I too know the weight of being alone and baring the world on your shoulders. It saps your strength and your sanity.
     I think that after the trip to Tokyo, the loss of Terra finally sunk in and he started to truly understand that she is really gone. But I've never been very good with understanding other people's emotions, or emotions in general. So this concept is completely foreign to me. 
I reach the edge of the roof then take off my hood letting my grown out, long purple hair fall down my back and tumble over my shoulders. I slightly smile at the sight before me, of the sun rise over jump city and it's magnificent display of colors. This is and always will be my favorite time of day, it reminds me how lucky we are to have a sunrise and how hard we fought to keep it. It's still hard to imagine that I, a half demon could make my home here, and have such wonderful friends after all that I've done.
I levitate myself into the air then cross my legs. But before I close my eyes to travel into my own mind, the last thought that surfaces as I sink into the darkness is "home."

Beast Boy. POV

     I wake up in Terra's bedroom again to the sun shining through the windows and her star covered wall paper. I slept in her room again last night, which I have done more and more often lately. I sit up in her bed and rub the sleep from my eyes slowly, while taking in Terra's memorable scent. I yawn as I get up and walk out of her door to my room. I turn on my light then go to my dresser. I decide to go with a casual look today of jeans and a tee-shirt, I grab a pair of black jeans and a red shirt, then pull them on.
     I glance in my mirror to make sure I look okay, then stop when I realize how much my appearance has changed in the past three months. I am no longer the shortest person in Titans Tower, and I've gained a bit of muscle after a month of avoiding everyone by hiding in the gym.
     I sigh, as I open my door and head to the common room. I know that I should probably start hanging out with Cyborg, pranking Robin, and chilling with Star again but every time I do something with them it somehow always leads to thoughts of Terra. So I stopped looking for comfort with them. They're still my friends and always will be, but they just don't understand what I'm going through.
     As I walk down the hallway towards the common room, I suddenly hear raised voices, and with a shock I recognize them. Raven and Cyborg? Why would they be arguing? They never fight.
     I hear Raven say. "He's your best friend, you need to check on him and support him."
     "You heard what Robin said," Cyborg says, "he just needs some time."
     "Robin isn't always right," I hear Raven say angrily, "besides I do think that three months is far more then enough time to-"
     She cuts off as soon as I enter the room, and I roll my eyes. I go to the kitchen without bothering to greet them, they were talking about me behind my back, what do I owe them? I then grab the milk from the fridge, the cereal from the cupboard, then pour them into a bowl.
     Suddenly I hear Cyborg ask. "Hey Beastie, you wanna play video games?"
     "No." I snap harshly which I instantly regret when I see the hurt in his eyes, but I don't apologize.
     I pick up my bowl and start towards my room, but as I pass Raven I see an emotion in her eyes that almost makes me stop. Pity? Or perhaps sympathy? I shake my head as soon as I'm out of their line of sight, why would Raven pity me? She hates me. As I walk away I just barely hear Cyborg say, "Yeah I'll talk to him. I need the old BB back, now he's almost as mean as you." After he says that I suddenly hear Cy yelp, which almost makes me laugh knowing that Raven probably just slapped the back of his neck.
     Against my will I suddenly start thinking about the other titans, and how they've always been almost like a family to me. Cyborg is like my crazy older brother that we all love, Robin is like my other brother that is always controlling and strict, and Star has always been like a sister to me. And Raven... I stop for a moment, I was gonna say that Raven
is like a sister to me but that's not actually true, I am not sure where Raven exactly fits in but I still do care about her.
Even with her her sarcastic remarks and constant comments about me not being funny, she is my friend. Besides I like how she constantly challenges me, she used to always keep me on my toes, prepared with a corny joke. And though this may sound weird I even kinda miss the feeling of her slapping me.
     I continue walking to Terra's room while smiling to myself. Then step into her room and lock the door.

I doubt anyone is reading this but, if you are I thank you and hope you will continue reading to find out what will happen when Cyborg confronts Beast Boy.
Sorry if this chapter was kinda boring or short, I swear it will get better eventually.

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