Arrogant killer -the ride- Chapter Two

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I kept looking out the window as we got into the forest part of the city. It was very beautiful might I add on. The radio was low as I could almost hear a western song play, the silence was so loud. I kept wondering on how to get out of this situation, but I figured it was a no go as he was pretty quick on things. I kept to myself, close to the door, far away from him as I possibly could.

"I don't bite... unless you want me too," he broke the silence and I jumped a little.

"scared?" He questioned as he looked over at me... staring.

"keep your damn eyes on the road and not at me," I barked back and a low chuckle escaped his mouth.

"sweet cheeks, I don't need to see the road to drive," he smirked at me.

"your going to get us killed!" I lightly screamed out as he just a this smug smirk on his face.

"baby, don't tell me what to do," he kept staring and I was getting scared.

"don't call me sweet cheeks or baby you arrogant idiot," as soon as I said that he pressed his brakes making me fly forwards but being brutally stopped my the seatbelt.

"what the fuck!!" I was now angry.

"don't you dare call me an idiot or you'll definitely regret it," I turned around and looked at him once he started driving again.

"what the hell are you," I asked.

"someone you don't want to mess with, and if you do, I could have you killed with just one look," he said deeply, not looking at me, a stern look on his face.

"and that little attitude of yours, won't help ya either." he commented mockingly.

"what are you, some killer." he let out a low laugh.

"bingo princess, I guess your not that dumb after all." I turned around wanting to slap him but remembered his words.

"someone you don't want to mess with, and if you do, I could have you killed with just one look."

For the rest of the ride I looked out the window in silence as it was now pouring rain.

"how much longer," I say still staring out the window.

"we're almost there," I could tell he was annoyed already.

"you have a lot of attitudes for yourself don't you," still not looking he replied "depends on how something goes."

"why are you annoyed," I lifted up my brow.

"who said I was," he responded back.

"the tone in your voice," still with my brow raised.

"oh so now you can here tones, so great." I knew he was being sarcastic and I just wanted to slap him so bad but I didn't want my life to end so quickly.

"we're here," he quickly got out and I soon followed. We walked to the door and he opened it, we walked in and 6 men looked at us, 2 familiar.

"why the hell is she here!" The shorter man stood up and pointed at me, I was already a little pissed off.

"point at me again and you won't have that finger left," everyone ooed but Taehyung and the short dude.

"wow a girl talking down in the big bad Jimin," a taller guy that looked friendly had said which made Jimin death glare at him.

"All of y'all shut the hell up" he turned to me and continued "you'll get used to them" then he walked off.

"where the hell am I supposed to go!" I yelled out but he ignored me and continued walking.

"sorry about him, and sorry about earlier... we just wanted that deal really bad, the names Hoseok." he walked up to me and took out his hand for a handshake.

"sorry I don't forgive people who chase after me with guns and a bratty teenager," I sarcastically said as Hoseok started laughing.

"the hell did you just say to me," Jimin was about to come at me but a innocent looking bunny like face held him back.

"he has short temper, just like his height." just then everyone but Jimin busted out laughing including me.

"I swear to god Jungkook!" Jungkook quickly let go and took off running with the short male named Jimin following behind.

"well maybe I can make it up to you, come let us get to know you and you get to know us.. I'm pretty sure you'll be staying for a while." Hoseok said as he lead me to the couch were the rest were at.

Arrogant Killer | Taehyung | FF | [COMPLETED] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now