Thursday, December 27, 2018.

9 1 3

Good morning! ...well good afternoon.

It's 1:05pm and I just woke up because I stayed awake until 2:30am last night.

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Lol my bad I got distracted and started doing some other shit but now it's 7:25pm.

Around 2pm Reagan came over and then right after my mom's friend came over and strung my ukulele, so now I can play it!

I was playing my ukulele for a bit until Reagan and I decided we wanted to go to the store. We got ready and then left. Reagan got dynamites and a soda. I got dynamites, soda, a candy bar, and ice cream. It's funny tho bc Reagan had $40 and I had $10 but I still got more stuff than her.

Then we came back and went into my room to chillax, Brendon Urie went live on Twitch so I watched the whole thing from my tv. Reagan was probably bored by it but I loved it, he's said he's going live later too 😍.

Miranda left for a little so Reagan and I went outside and got lit. We came back inside and ate pizza that didn't even really taste very good. Now we are both lying on my bed listening to music and both writing on Wattpad.

Emma just called and told me that she is coming over tomorrow! Yay!

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WOWIE it's 5am and we haven't slept what is my life. In the past 10 hours (woah it's really been that long since I last wrote) Reagan and I have listened to music for a while, went outside and did a photoshoot in the muthafuckin rain, came back inside and I worked on a song, listened to more music, we did our makeup, ate chips, I ruined my voice trying over and over again to sing one of my songs to send it to Emma and it sounds bad anyways because my voice is giving out 😂😭😭, anddd we ate whipped cream and now we're here sitting on my couch.

Idk if I'm gonna go to sleep anymore because Emma is gonna be here around 11:35am tomorrow and I'll just get woken up by her when she gets here... so we'll see I guess.

And something I just realized is that I never even asked if Emma could come over I kinda just said yes... uhmm so hopefully Miranda says yes but if she doesn't I'M GOIN THE FUCK TO SLEEP even kno I love Emma and miss her so much because she has been in Arizona for a while but if Miranda says that she can't come over I honestly won't mind because that means I get to sleep 😂😂.

Tomorrow I will probably end up falling asleep and taking a nap while Emma is over but whatever 'cause then I will be able to stay up all night again lmaooo.

Aight I gotta charge mah phone it's at 5%.

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Heyooo it's now 6:14am annnnnd Reagan and I are still wide awake 😂. Ok so in the past hour Reagan and I went into my room, listened to music, left my room, ran down the street and back, went back into my room, left my room to go get water, we ended up making scrambled eggs, then we went into my room and ate eggs while watching good mythical morning, then we went outside to run down the street again, then came back in my room and are still watching gmm.

emma woke up and has been texting me and she is telling me to go to sleep but i refuse 😂 i honestly can't wait until my baby nephew maverick wakes up because i love and miss him but he wont wake up for another hour.. maybe more.

buuuut yeah bye for now i will give updates when something happens 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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now it is 6:48am and i hear maverick waking up so i'm gonna make him a bottle. 4oz of warm water with 1 scoop of formula. brb.

i'm back! reagan and i are still watching gmm and we have been for the past half hour. when it gets light outside we are gonna ask to go on an early morning walk 😍😍. the sky is sort of lighting up but it wont be completely light outside until like 8am, we will prolly leave before then though. Sunrise is my favvvvvorite part of day I love it so muchhhh.

Lol I hear maverick talking he doesnt want to go back to sleep but I'm gonna wait a bit to see if he will because it might throw off his sleeping schedule if he wakes up too early. Oh, Miranda just woke up to give him another bottle. I asked if Reagan and I could go on a walk, and she said yes so we did!

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