Thursday, January 3rd, 2019

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Happy new year! Lol, I didn't feel like writing a whole chapter for New Years since I did nothing.

Anyways, today I woke up around 2pm due to staying awake until 7am. My friend Tahlia texted me saying that she wanted to show me something, so she walked to my house and told me to come outside. I hurried and changed because I looked like a hobo, then I went outside and she pulled a BUNNY out of her bag.

It was sooo cute and soft!

I offered for her to come inside since the bunny was shivering, so we went in and hung out in the living room for a bit before deciding we wanted to go to the little store down the street and buy snacks. So I asked my mom for like $10 and then we left.

We got to the store and I split the $$ so we each had $5. She bought a drink and maybe something else but I don't know 😂, then I got ice cream and two candy bars.

We left the store and I walked her home. Then I walked back to my house and ate my snacks. Then later that night my mom and I went to pick up my bestie Emma, and she spent the night at my house. We stayed awake until 11 in the morning and it was sooo much fun.

Anyways I know this is a short part but I don't really feel like writing at the moment but I feel like I gotta write about something.

So bye!

Marissa BWhere stories live. Discover now