Tuesday, May 15 2019.

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I have something to share ☺️💞.

Today I skipped school and I went on a car ride with my mom and my sister Breanne that was 5 hours long. We went to my grandpa's house (my grandpa passed away like last week, btw 🥺💖) because that's where they have been staying recently to take care of him bc he was sick. My cat also stays there with them.

We got to the house and it was weird at first, but not bad. I got inside and set up my Xbox One so I could play the new game I got, Minecraft 😂. I was on Facetime with my bestie Reagan and I played the game for like 4 hours until 1am.

After that my cat and I went into the bathroom, it was funny because I went to the bathroom and Warfstache (my cat) went to the bathroom in the litter box at the same time. I waited for him to finish because he was taking forever being extra about covering up his business, then I finally got in pajamas and climbed into bed. I left the bedroom door open, which I usually wouldn't do, but it felt right :). Warfstache followed me and we cuddled.

After a bit he decided to lay at the end of the bed so I picked up my phone and went on Instagram, I didn't plug in headphones or turn the volume down, I just let whatever I was watching play out loud because my sister and mom don't care about cussing or anything. I texted my boyfriend good night. I got to keep a light on and be as loud as I wanted. It was so nice to me because,

my house that I actually live in is... a lot. I love it there, don't get me wrong, but it's stressful sometimes. I share a room with my nephews Jayden and Maverick and my niece Mackenzie. I always have to be in the dark and be quiet at night because the baby is sleeping. I have a curtain up so I get my own privacy, but it's still annoying and I wish I could have my own room. I deal with it though and it's fine because I know it's only temporary. My sister Miranda, Maverick's dad Henry, and my Aunt Jen also live there.

So I guess it was a good change for me, and I'll only be here for a few days, but it's gonna be nice while it lasts and I know I'll visit more.

So yah, just thought I'd share that 🤗. Good night!

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