Chapter 6

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It's been a month since Harry's return. I've noticed a complete mood change since the vacation. It started after he left that night he came for a surprise visit. He has become more distant and seems a lot more closed in. He doesn't come over much anymore, but he still comes to the shop at 9pm. We chat and whenever i ask if he's okay he just says "I'm Tired".

At first i believed him. It does seem to me like he's tired, but the tired i see is emotionally exhausted. When i would question why he never comes over anymore he just states he has lots of school work. I would nod knowing that school work can be overwhelming. However it just doesn't seem like he's giving me the full reason. I can tell he wants to come over, i see it in his eyes. He would look so happy, nevertheless it's as if something is forcing him to deny the request.

or someone...


Friday I began work and quickly stuffed my belongings in the backroom then rushed to throw my apron over my wrinkled shirt

"You're late," Niall implied.

I huffed,"M'sorry, i blame technology! My phones alarm didn't go off."

"Yeah Yeah, Zayn's gonna visit soon," Niall said beaming.

I smiled, we haven't heard from the lad in a long time. He's studying art in America at some college in New York. The time difference makes it practically impossible to get a hold of him.

"That's great!" I exclaimed. I noticed Niall's sudden mood change and frowned,"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, i just..miss him.." He spoke in a sad tone. My heart went out for the Irish boy. Niall and Zayn were the closest in our group. They've known one another since they were 5 i believe. They said they met in kindergarten when a boy was taunting Niall and Zayn pushed him. Zayn is rather protective of Niall and everyone notices this. I've teased them plenty of times for it and they would just shrug it off and we'd go on with our day.

"I know, me too. Don't worry...we'll see him soon," I placed a comforting arm around his should hugging him slightly.

The poor lad.


A familiar ring of a bell filled my ears. I glanced seeing Harry walk in the shop. 9pm, as usual. I smiled and nodded at Niall as he rolled his eyes getting the signal meaning i'm taking a break. Walking towards the familiar table i smiled and he glanced mirroring my beaming face.

"Hey Hazza," I greeted taking the seat across.

"Hi!" He grinned enthusiastically.

My eyebrows shot up in surprise at his ecstatic expression,"Whoa what's got you all happy?"

His grin grew as he exclaimed,"I Passed my college exam!!!"

I smiled at him proudly and said,"Wow! THat's great!!"

"It took me forever to study, and Nick tried helping me prep, but i still was nervous. I just got the scores back and wanted to tell you ," He stated shyly with a smile.

Sometimes i question how Harry doesn't notice what a big effect he has on my mood. His shy and bashful actions always bring butterflies to my stomach and a smile on my face.

"Hey, why don't we celebrate?" I offered, he's been working so hard lately, going out somewhere could help take his mind off of things.

He seemed hesitent and bit his lip thoughtfully. He then nodded with a small smile,"Sure. What do you have in mind?"

"Well its late and now many things are open. Wanna go to the mall?" I chuckled feeling helpless.

However Harry grinned,"Yeah! Sounds fun."

9pm Bruises [Larry AU]Where stories live. Discover now