Chapter 8

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When i woke up i had extreme back pain. I groaned and got up stretching only to realize i'm in the living room. I frowned, what the hell? Flashbacks of last night filled my vision. Harry with a black eye, realizing his boyfriend abuses him, and finally me letting Harry sleep in my bed.

I grabbed my phone seeing it was 9am and decided to call in to take the day off. I dialed Niall's number and soon his Irish accent was heard,"Hey Lou."

"Hey, i was wondering if you could handle the shop today," I said getting up and walked down the hall opening my door. I smiled seeing Harry still asleep, it was dark so i couldn't see his face however i heard his cute snores.

"Why? Are you okay?" Niall questioned concerned.

I closed my bedroom door and entered the kitchen,"Yeah. It's not me, it's Harry. I can't exactly tell you why, just...could you takeover today?"

"Ugh, fine! But only this time," He said sternly.

I chuckled,"Thanks, bye."

He muttered a goodbye before hanging up. I rolled my eyes before going to the cupboards and grabbed the pancake mix. I must be a good guest, he's probably not had pancakes in forever. I'm not that great of a cook, but growing up with 5 sisters taught you how to care for yourself in the morning time.

when i finished i praised myself on making a decent breakfast. It was 9:30 and i decided on waking up the curly boy. As i walked down the hall i opened my bedroom door and tiptoed to his side. Crouching down i examined his sleeping figure. He looked so peaceful, besides the black eye though it cleared up slightly. His pouty red lips were parted as his snores filled the room. I chuckled seeing he drools in his sleep, he's too cute.

"Harry..." I muttered shaking his shoulder slightly.

He groaned and snuggled in the blanket more turning his head. I smiled fondly at him, but prodded his side,"Hazza, c'mon...i have pancakes!"

He turned to face me though stayed laying and opened his eyes lazily,"Pancakes?"

I grinned at his child-like action and nodded,"Yep! Now let's go eat'em before they get cold."

He frowned,"It's cold.."

"Sorry, i'm a winter baby...guess i'm use to the cold," I said guiltily.

He rolled his eyes playfully,"Lou, my birthdays in February...I'm a winter baby too."

I gasped fakely,"No way!"

"Yes way!" he teased with a grin.

"C'mon Hazza! The pancakes are waiting!"

"Pancakes aren't people Lou," He chuckled, though followed me while holding the blanket around himself.

We entered the kitchen and he sat down at the table while i grabbed some plates then placed 2 pancakes on each. I got the syrup and butter attempting to carry them all.

"Do you want some help?" Harry asked about to get up.

I shook my head,"No, No. It's fine, sit."

He reluctantly did as told while i walked over and placed his plate infront of him before sitting down myself.

"Thanks Lou," harry smiled, i could tell he was talking about everything though.

I grinned back," No Problem Hazza."


Harry stayed over again and the next day Niall called me,"Hey Lou, guess what?!"

I chuckled and Harry looked at me questionably,"What?"

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