Chapter 18

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I rushed out and was immediately drenched with rain, though I was too concerned to care. it's pouring and Harry is out somewhere in this weather. He could be hurt or even worse. I rushed down the street shivering as the cold, wet air hit me. I crossed the street and turned down the road hoping this was where Harry went. After a few minutes of walking I spotted a figure up ahead by a bus stop. My vision was blurred by the heavy rain, however i could see the person sitting at the curb of the sidewalk.

As i got closer i recognized the trench coat and let out a sigh of relief running towards him,"Harry..."

He didn't look up, but i knew he heard me since he stiffened at my voice causing me to frown. I can't believe this is happening, I didn't mean to hurt him. I sat down next to him cautiously seeing his body shake slightly as he cried. Guilt rushed through my body as i said softly,"M'so sorry Harry...i didn't mean for this to happen..."

"Why doesn't anyone love me...?" He asked sniffling, voice sounding so broke and crushed.

I looked at him confused and shocked as my heart fell at his words,"What do you mean?"

"My mum died, step dad left, sister followed, Nick...he hurt me and now found someone better...i feel like no one loves i'm a second choice...." He said as tears streamed mixing with the rain as it dripped down his chin.

"Oh Harry, i do love you...a lot actually," I said blushing slightly.

He shook his head with a frown,"No...if you loved me you wouldn't be dating Eleanor," He suddenly asked looking at me with hurt eyes, "how could you lead me on like that?"

"Eleanor lied...i'm not dating her," I tried explaining, though failed.

He glared at me as his voice became harsh,"Then why did you go out with her Friday? why did you lie about where you were? Why did she call at 11 when we went out? Why did she say you guys kissed? Why did she call you her boyfriend then kiss you again!! Why did you cheat on me? I thought you loved me, you said you loved me!!!'

"I-I...I...I don't know," I stuttered unaware of what to say. My mind was spinning as I tried to find the words to explain to him what happened. I couldn't seem to find them as I saw how much pain i caused him. It broke my heart seeing that I caused him these tears. I was usually the one to hold him when he cried, but now i'm the one causing it.

He scoffed wiping his water eyes,"Of course you don't...cause you're caught. You never loved me did you? You were just playing me...using me when i was vulnerable huh? You wanted to hook up at the lake didn't you?! Try to take advantage of my broken heart? I should've were just using me for sex..."

"No, i swear i wasn't! I do love you, i do!" I tried reassuring, but even i couldn't believe myself. The way he was saying it did sound like i was using him, but i wasn't. i could never use this boy, he was too sweet and caring. I couldn't imagine taking advantage of him.

His voice suddenly became soft and hurt,"Then why did you lie to me?"

"I just...i didn't want you to think i was cheating on you.." I trialed off looking as the rain hit the concrete.

He chuckled sadly as he shook his head,"And how did that work out?"

I shrugged at the irony,"Not too well..."

"You guys kissed," He said mono-toned, voice emotionless.

My head snapped up as i rushed out,"No, she kissed me i swear. I didn't respond."

"You didn't push away either..." He pointed out.

"I was in shock, like when we kissed Friday. I wasn't sure how to react." My hand found it's way to his but he pulled away. I looked at him frowning feeling rejected. My heart broke, this wasn't suppose to happen.

"You didn't tell me," his voice raised over the pouring rain.

I sighed in defeat,"I know..m'really sorry baby, i didn't know how to tell you! You seemed so happy and finally okay and i didn't want to ruin it."

Harry simply stared ahead, wrapping his arms around himself as his hair dripped. I closed my eyes letting myself hear the sound of rain falling heavily to the ground resembling my tears as the sky cried with me,"Please...Harry i'm so sorry Princess, i ..i promise Eleanor is just a friend."

"It's not that.." he said so quietly i almost couldn't hear him over the sudden thunder. I saw him flinch at the sound and assumed he wasn't a fan of storms.

I looked at him confused,"What do you mean?"

He looked at me through his damp fringe as he said, voice cracking slightly,"How am i suppose to trust you?"

"You can always trust me.." I said hurt.

He chuckled sadly,"No i can' lied to me...repeatedly. I..I thought you were the one person i could trust, but then you lie to me."

"I just didn-"

"I wouldn't have cared! The only reason someone lies is to hide obviously felt a reason to lie to me..what is it? Do you like her?" He asked confused.

"No, not at all. I promise, please just ...give me one more chance! I will do anything, i just need're my Princess," I said desperately as he stood up. I followed his lead.

He shook his head with a sad expression,"I...I can't. How am i suppose to believe you?"

"Because..." I said taking his hands in mine,"I love you, and won't hurt you like Nick did."

"But you already have...i can't take this much hurt, i..i just want someone to love me."

As I looked into his green eyes my heart beats so much louder than the thunder high above I was sure he could hear it. I wiped his tears saying softly," I can love you."

I leaned forward and he hesitantly followed, as if unsure he was making the right choice. Rain ran down my face and in my eyes. My wet fringe stuck to my face and the rain was just getting harder. His hands were warmer than the blood flushing my cheeks.Thunder was getting closer and so was he.My lips brushed his damp ones and soon they were moving slowly in sync. His lips tasted heavenly as they moved against mine as the kiss became passionate. I lifted my hand to caress his cheek as his clung to the back of my drenched jacket.

And then i realized; We were kissing in the rain. Every violent drop drench us, and I loved it.

I pulled back as his hot breath hit my lips. I smiled pushing his soaked curls out of his face,"I love you Princess."

He grinned sheepishly,"I love you too Boo."

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