Chapter 11

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When Harry left i was extremely frighted. He said he'd be fine and he's going to break up with him, but it worries me. Nick is very dangerous and seems infatuated with Harry. He's not going to be very happy about them breaking up.

Besides that, i'm beaming with joy. Harry likes me, he actually like me! No one can understand the happiness radiating off of me. My smile is so big that i'm afraid my face with crack. I feel like jumping on a table and singing a song. But, it's midnight so i decided on sleeping instead.


I groaned seeing my phone blink as the ringer went off. I looked at my clock; 1:02am. What the hell, i just went to sleep an hour ago. I grabbed my phone seeing the caller; Harry<3. my brows furrowed as i sleepily answered,"Hello?"

"Lou," A croaked voice came from the other line. I shot up with worry and was out of bed at record of time.

"Harry? are you okay? What's wrong?" I exclaimed throwing on a shirt off the floor randomly.

"Ca-Can you -" He choked off with a sob and i grabbed my keys off my side table racing out my room.

"Hazza love, where are you?" I asked frantically as i ran out the flat door shutting it carelessly not even bothering to put shoes on. I cursed seeing it was raining and repeated,"Harry where are you?"

"Outs-Outside my f-flat," he whimpered,"P-Please..hurry."

"Stay on the phone," I ordered trying to fight back tears as i jumped in my car driving like a madman. I can't cry right now, it wouldn't help. I listened to his sobs trying to calm him say,"It's okay, Harry. I'm on my way love, almost there." Luckily i remembered the way ot his flat when i dropped him off after meeting my mum.

When i pulled up to his flat i saw he was sitting on the curb shivering, wearing only boxers and a white t-shirt with soaked curls. I dropped my phone scrambling out the car rushing to his side ignoring how my barefoot self. I seized his face in my hands frantically asking,"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

He nodded as tears blended with the rain. I glared at the door and went to bang on it wanting to hurt this monster. However, a hand grabbed mine and i turned meeting red puffy eyes as harry begged,"P-Please don't. I-I need you..."

My face softened and i tried helping him up but he slumped down. "Harry," I gasped.

"My ankle.." He explained quietly. I nodded and lifted him in my arms cradling him to my chest. I walked us to my car setting him down gently as i opened the door. He settled in and looked at me sadly. I couldn't resist it as i pressed a kiss on his forehead. He smiled sadly , i simply shut the door and walked to my side realizing i never closed it. Luckily i kept the car running so it was warm enough since he's freezing.

When we got to the flat i rushed us carrying him once more. I sat him down finally taking notice, thanks to the lights, that his ankle is swollen and bruises scattered. Some were old, i noticed from before.

"M'gonna get us some dry clothes love, okay?" I said gently brushing a wet curl from his forehead.

He nodded with a timid smile croaking,"Thanks."

With a soft smile i went to my room gathering two shirts, pajama pants, and a pair of briefs for him. Grabbing a blanket i entered the living room handing hm his clothes. He changed in the bathroom as i carelessly did the same in the middle of the living room. Hey, it's my flat. he returned limping, shivering still and i sat on the couch opening my arms for him. He happily laid in them and i covered him with the blanket.

I rubbed his back soothingly whispering,"What happened?"

He stiffened before cuddling closer resting his head on my chest sighing,"I told him..i told him i didn't want to be with him anymore. He laughed, m'guessing he thought i was joking or something. But when i told him i wasn't he...he didn't like that very much." he trailed of absentmindedly brushing a hand over a bruise on his arm before continuing shakily,"We..we were i just..he started yelling at me..saying he loves me and can't leave. I-I didn't know what to do! He kept screaming and breaking things. He.." Harry sniffled and i frowned pulling him closer before he continued,"He started sh-shoving me..he pushed me..down the stairs. He told..he told me he'll be waiting for me when-when i can learn to b-be grateful."

My hands made their way to his curls as i told him softly though i was truly angry,"Harry. Don't ever go back to him ok? You don't deserve that pain and suffering."

"But i-i have no where to go now..h-he was the o-only person i had left! My step dad and s-sister are in C-Cheshire..i'll b-be homeless," He said quietly.

"You can live with me love, you know i care about you. I'd never leave you homeless." He smiled and I tilted his head looking into his green eyes before brushing a lose curl,"M'really glad you broke up with him."

"Yeah?" He breathed out.

I nodded, swallowing hard,"Yeah."

"How come?" He asked hesitant.

"Cause i don't like seeing you sad," I explained.

He smiled softly before leaning in slowly. My breath hitched as our lips brushed softly. I colsed my eyes, pressing them closer and soon they molded together. I deepened this kiss pulling the boy closer as he straddled my hips. Pouring all my emotions into our first kiss,my hands cradled his face. Sparks- no fireworks, set off. His lips were soft considering he's a guy, i expected them rough. They molded with mine perfect as if made for one another.

Harry suddenly whimpered against my lips and i immediately pulled back asking breathlessly,"A-Are you alright?"

He smiled sheepishly, panting as his hot breath hit my mouth,"S-Sorry. My ankle.."

"Oh, m'sorry love," I chuckled and pulled him down so he can lay his head on my chest as my hands absentmindedly played with his curls.

"Can you erm...sleep with me?" Harry asked blushing slightly as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

I laughed quietly,"Of course. Good night Princess."

He huffed but i felt him smile against me,"Good night Boobear."

Soon light snores were heard and i glanced at his sleep figure. So peaceful, he deserves someone to love him and I can be that someone. I will be that someone. I pressed a kiss to his forehead before falling into a peaceful sleep, not caring if i woke up with a crook in my neck. He's worth it.

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