The Banquet

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I was frozen in shock, stuck in my seat. Cheers erupted but all I felt was numb to the point I questioned my very existence. I was getting married? I? Was getting MARRIED?? To the King of the Poison Fangs!? To Koran?

"Ayane, Ayane are you okay? You look pale." Clover shook me by the shoulder.

"Yeah I'm just surprised. I thought Leona was marrying him. Not me." I composed myself hiding all of my emotions.

"Yeah why are you marrying him? You are an illegitimate child anyway so how does that help?" Devika scoffed at me but I ignored her.

I stood up and walked up to Davin but he was occupied with his mother who looked outraged.

"Ayane" my head whipped to the direction of his voice. "I'll explain." Koran stood in the shadows and I motioned for him to follow me. I walked past all of my sisters who were watching us intently heading to the outside balcony. Clover grabbed my hand forcing me to stop.

"Ayane?" I knew what she was asking but I shook my head no.

I didn't want her to come. I was fine on my own. She loosed my hand and I continued walking to the balcony. Cool air welcomed me with open arms and I enjoyed the chill it sent along my spine. Then I felt him taking all the cool air and replacing it with warmth.

"Your father stepping down was the first step into weakening the sacrament but to break it a stronger bond is needed." Koran began.

I leaned on the railing looking to the ground that seemed so far away.

"Your bond will be broken once you and I are married by blood. Blood marriages are ultimately stronger but also because of it's purpose, ending the war, she will never have a hold over you again."

My ears weren't deceiving me and I knew it because of the anger that boiled deep within me. I was grateful that they had found a solution but in the end I was binding myself to someone else. What was the point? I'm freed from the devil to only be chained again.

"I would also like to apologize. I have ruined your engagement with your fiancee."

Soren. I was supposed to tell him tonight, even though I felt hesitant I still loved him enough to tell him yes. But somehow I felt relieved that I wouldn't have to marry him.

"What does a blood marriage generally entail?" I asked quietly.

"We won't be able to marry anyone else after and it can't be broken unless one of the spouses die."

I have lived my whole life in bondage so it wasn't anything new for me though the circumstances were different now but Koran was giving up on finding the one he truly wanted to marry to save me from my bondage? That wasn't right.

"I want to know why you're doing it. Because after you married Leona to secure peace between the two kingdoms you could have found the one you love the most and at least you would have more of a chance to be with her than if you married me to help break the bondage." I looked at him then desperately wanting to know why.

"Because I owe you my life. And I am willing to do it to repay my debt to you as a friend."

"Liar!" I roared at him standing up. "No one would do that for someone else! Waste their chance on someone for something as stupid as this! So what's in it for you?"

"I get to prevent suffering isn't that enough of a reason?!" Koran demanded angry.

"You could prevent suffering by marrying any of my sisters!" I retorted.

"But you would still be trapped!"

"So? Saving me isn't as important as saving so many more men and women who have families and children!"

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