Chapter 4- Shadows of the night

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 *Hi guys, sorry this chapter was so long coming! I have actually been crazy busy. But I got bitten buy the writting bug tonight and just got stuck into this chapter. I'm really excited about it because well, you'll see! ( I won't ruin it) Thank you to all of you who have read so far and who have stuck with this story. It means so so much. And I'm slowly approaching 1,000 reads with this story only having been on wattpad a few short weeks. So thank you!

This chapter is dedicated to @alybby1 For leaving me such amazing feedback and for commenting on ever chapter so far. She expressed such enthusiam for my characters and my writing as a whole. So thank you.:) When you're done reading this check out her story that she's entering in the wattys It's called an Assassins trust and it's simply amazing. It needs all the support it can get for the wattys! You really won't be disappointed. Okay I'll stop rambling now and let you get on with the story.

All my love -Jessie.

    Jake wasn't sure how long it had been since he ran from his house. He had left his watch on his desk. It couldn't have been more than a half an hour? maybe less? At this stage he had stopped running and slowed into a brisk walk. He had no idea where he was going, he was just wandering aimlessly around the block. There was a chill in the air and the sky was darkening. Jake wrinkled his nose as the smell of thick smoke entered his nostrils. He looked around and scanned the area. He quickly found the source. Chimneys everywhere were emitting clouds of the dense grey substance.

        People were burning fires. Makes sense, Jake thought, it's freaking freezing. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and pulled up his hood in a pathetic attempt to get warm. The wind was blowing wild and fierce ripping through him, causing his clothes to shake and his hood to fall down repeatedly. He had to take his hands out numerous times just to hold it in place. By this time his hands were red raw and stinging and he was miserable. Maybe I should turn back, he thought half turning around, before quickly changing his mind No i'm not going back to that house with him.

        So he continued on walking, fighting against the wind with every step. He was considering going to the oak tree for a bit, but Sadie wouldn't be there. Not this late anyway. Plus she was still grounded. So it wasn't really an appealing option. He was thinking of other possible places to go when something in the distance caught his eye. He had to squint to get a better look.    

     It appeared to be some sort of hooded figure? The stranger ever approaching, looked ominious and threatening. Whoever or whatever was in the distance sent Jake's heart racing. He just had this eerie feeling. This mysterious hooded stranger was emanating warning signals. The aura surrounding him or her was sending Jake creepy vibes. He gulped swallowing his sense of fear. Get a grip, Jake. He is probably  out for an evening walk,  just like you,  he thought trying to rationalize the situation.

       He forced his feet forward, mechanically, his brain reminding him to put one foot in front of the other. He kept his head down, but as he closed the distance between himself and the menacing figure, an intuitive feeling took hold- there was more than one of them. Dare he look up? His area was notorious for gangs, particularly at this time of night. His mother was always warning him, but in the heat of the moment he had stormed out of the house, forgetting anything she had ever said about being alone. Especially at night. No Jake don't look up-keep your head down and just walk past quickly. With any luck they won't see you, the voice in his head urged, trying to reassure him.

         He knew it was crazy, talking to himself, but he had to snap himself out of his ridiculous sense of fear. Yes, he must remain inconspicuous. There was definitely more than one, three? maybe four? He could feel the shadows closing in on him-their breaths rasping in the wind, like his own. They were literally minutes away, seconds even.

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