Chapter 1-edited

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Fair warning the beginning can be disturbing for some people so continue with caution.

Imagine a 16 year old boy, covered in blood and bruises, unconscious and on the floor. Now imagine that boy with unruly black hair, hidden beneath a gray beanie. Yeah... that's me. Forsythe Pendelton Jones III. AKA, Jughead.

Now I'm assuming you want the details, and I am the only one that has the answers. The only way for this to make sense is if I start at the beginning, in the small town of Riverdale, with a mother,a father, a brother, and a little sister in Sunny-side trailer park. My little sister Jellybean was only 8 at the time and I was 14. Dad and mom were arguing about money or something while Jellybean and I were totally not listening to their conversation in our room. 

" Go to hell!" My mom had screamed. I heard her heals stomping down the hall way while I jumped onto my bed, trying to act like we had no clue what was going on. Mom slammed our door open with a bag in hand, throwing it at me. "Jughead, help your sister pack her things, she and I are leaving." I knew better than to ask questions so I got up and grabbed some of her clothes and threw them into the bag. They can't leave. I can't leave Jellybean. It wasn't till I was half way through packing that I noticed my little sister with her blanket wrapped around her small body and her stuffed bear with a beanie matching my own on clutched tightly in her hands. Tears were pouring down her face. I walked over to her bedside and took her tiny hands in mine. She looked so scared and confused. She was too young to understand any of this. " Hey look at me," I said freeing one of my hands and tilting her chin so her eyes would meet mine. "No matter what happens I am your brother ok, and I'm never going to let anything happen to you, and if mom tries to pull any crap on you, you call me or Betty and you jump on the first bus to Riverdale you understand me?" she nodded. " Now give me your phone." She dug it out of her pocket and gave it to me. I put Betty's number in then hesitated. I took a photo of us and sent to both of us, the last thing we can remember each other by. Mom came pounding at our door causing Jellybean to jump and and cling to my hands. I picked her up, trying to calm her down and maybe get her to sleep before she leaves for wherever the hell she is going. I took her to the couch where mom sat us down and kneeled in front of me."Listen to me Jughead Jones, I love you so much and I am so sorry I can't take you with me. I promise it will all make sense and I promise I will let Jellybean visit and you can come visit anytime you wan't." I started crying, the tears I had stored up and finally fallen just like my sister's had moments ago. "Mom?" "Yes sweetheart?" Wow, haven't heard that name in a while. "Can we wait until Jellybean is asleep, that way she won't panic in the car wherever your going." My mother barely noticed the whimpering child I carried in my arms until now, her hard unforgiving eyes going soft for just a moment. She nodded. "We're going to Toledo Jug, Toledo Ohio." I nodded and carried Jellybean back to our room, sitting on my bead and curling up with my sister. "Jelly I need you to sleep for me ok, if you sleep now tomorrow you can start a new adventure. I love you so much." She dug her head into my chest until her whimpers subsided and her breathing evened out. I kissed her forehead. "I love you so much."

And that's the first chapter in the story of my life. I never saw my mom again after that but Jelly bean and I still keep in touch. Mom and dad both started the same dead beat life, drinking 15 beers a day and not getting a job to support either of us. But us Jones' are survivors, and this is nothing more than a challenge for us to survive.


So I tried not to make this too cliche, but me and my step sister binge watched the second season again and I guess it inspired me to write this. I cant really think of a good title so if you have any ideas feel free to let me know... Updates are going to be erratic but I will try my best. I do not own Riverdale at all. In some of my other chapters their is going to be some abuse and maybe some self harm but idk yet. Thank you so much for reading!

-stay gold

Bughead and Jellybean-RiverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now