tWo sHoTs oF vOdKa

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The four had been at the mall— nothing new, just a decision for a shopping spree. Edd had been blabbering about how he had saved enough to buy some expensive, noise-canceling headphones that he had been idolizing. Matt wanted to buy another mirror or two(or five). Tord mentioned buying some anime DVD's.

Tom didn't need anything, so his options were following one of the three; he chose Edd, of course.

The idea had been quickly shot down.

"You should go with Tord, actually."

"What?!" Tom had whined, not bothering to disguise his disgust. "He's probably going to get hentai or some shit!"

"I was going to get Sailor Moon, asshole. Anyway, I'm with Tom on this," Tord piped up.

Edd shrugged. "You guys suddenly started getting along again after the movie last week. I figured you two could try and keep the streak up."

Tord snorted while Tom blushed and his eyes widened, quietly muttering, "Lies."

"Listen, you two don't have a choice." Edd's tone was disapproving as his glare slid across the both of them. "We're meeting up at the food court. Do not split up."

With that, Edd turned around and stalked away, Matt hurrying off as well.

"Dicks," Tord grumbled, turning to Tom. "We're going to the top floor. Come."

The Norwegian was already moving before he finished his sentence, seemingly wanting to get it over with.

Tom silently agreed with the notion.

Tom's shoes pushed off the floor as he hurried to catch up to Tord.

There were a lot of people at the mall today— it was noticeable. The place was crowded, Tom almost losing Tord a couple of times. People were shouting or simply engaging in (very loud) conversations. A spike of anxiety hit Tom as he wondered if he was going to get separated from Tord.

He really didn't want to be left alone in the mall.

The thought made him rush forward even more, falling behind Tord— how did the Norwegian walk so fast, anyway?

He scowled as he stepped onto the escalator, barely finding room behind Tord as he thought, It's because of his stupidly long legs. Not that Tom was short or anything. (He was 5'7! That's not short, Edd! That's about average!) He discarded the thought a moment later, shaking his head gently.

Then, somebody stepped up beside him, and Tom let out a shuddering breath of panic as he glanced at Tord.

What if you lose him?

What if you get separated?

What if someone blocks you from him?

He reached out toward Tord's sweatshirt, only to twitch back in hesitation.

Ironically, Tord decided to look back right at that moment. He raised an eyebrow, Tom's face reddening as he attempted to pull his hand back.

The attempt was futile, of course. Tord grabbed his hand, tugging Tom gently up the escalator until they were on the same step.

Tom looked away from Tord's gaze, expecting the Norwegian to let go of his hand and start mocking him.

Instead, he squeezed Tom's hand as they stepped off the escalator.

Tom nervously glanced around, clutching Tord's hand a little tighter.

Somebody brushed past him, almost making him stumble backward. He shot a glare at the person, happy to feel irritation instead of panic rising in his throat. The person didn't look back, just continued on their path.

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