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Tord woke up with something settled on his chest and legs curled around his own, arms wrapped tightly around his chest. He blearily opened his eyes, looking down. Despite being covered by a fluffy blanket, Tord could see...

Ah. Tom.

He didn't dare move as he glanced at the clock.


That made Tord furrow his eyebrows and glance at his laptop, which had been abandoned when Tom fell asleep. He grabbed his phone next, eyes squinting, being careful not to move too much.


I think Tom went out last night and you're still fast asleep, so Matt and I are going to breakfast and then shopping. Don't miss us

Tord sighed, placing his phone back down. He glanced at Tom, letting his lips curl into a quick smile.


Before Tord could do anything, Tom stirred in his grasp. He stiffened, watching as the boy slowly opened his eyes. Tord's cheeks pinked, and he just about melted as Tom reached up to rub his eyes. One side of his face had become red from being rested on Tord's chest.

"God morgen, min kattunge. Er du helt våken?" he cooed in his mother tongue, pressing a kiss against Tom's forehead.

Tom huffed before mumbling out a salty, "Vous connaissez peut-être le norvégien et l'anglais, mais connaissez-vous le français?" He shuffled, slowly removing himself from Tord.

"...What?" Tord asked after a moment of staring down at Tom with confused eyes.

"You may know Norwegian and English, but do you know French?" Tom repeated, sitting up and rubbing at his eyes. "You're not the only one who's bilingual, asshole."

Tord went blank. "I... okay."

Tom snickered, bringing his hands up for a stretch. "Where's Edd and Matt?" he asked, cracking his back.

"They abandoned us. They think you went out." He shrugged, pushing Tom down. He climbed on top of the boy, watching as Tom scoffed.

"If we're gonna have sex, can you at least give me a minute to wake up?" he grumbled, hands finding Tord's muscled arms. He blinked up at Tord, cheeks pink.

Tord snickered. "Why do you always choose the softer term? Like, I never hear you use 'fuck' unless you're begging... I think." Tord shrugged.

"Maybe that's because I have some dignity, asshole!" Tom spat, face flushing as he flicked Tord's nose. The Norse rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning down and pressing his lips against Tom's.

Slowly relaxing, Tom let his hands drag from Tord's arms to his chest, wrapping his arms around it. He pulled Tord closer, the latter not bothering to fight back.

He pulled away after a moment. "Still upset?" he cooed sweetly, one hand cupping Tom's cheek.

"I hope you burn." Tom glared up at Tord, tilting his head into the touch.

Tord grinned down at him. "Cute," he said to himself before leaning down and letting his mouth find an open area on Tom's neck. He just kissed it due to the makeup; he'd rather leave Tom unmarked than get a mouthful of chemicals. His hands shifted down Tom, slowly trailing down to his shirt. Fingers trailed Tom's sides, kisses still fluttering against his neck.

"Hate to break it to you, but I'm not cute."

"Uh-huh." Tord took his head out of Tom's neck. "And what makes you say that?" he teased, fingers brushing across Tom's nipples.

Oh, Fucking Hell (Tomtord)Where stories live. Discover now