actually meghan, i can't sit anywhere!

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"Tord, get your feet off the counter!"

Tom watched in amusement as Edd smacked Tord's leg. The Norse surprisingly did as he was told, a long yawn escaping him. "Yeah, yeah, whatever, mom." He glanced at Tom and gave him a tired smile. Early, Sunday morning light came through the window above the sink. Edd cooked breakfast for them as he always did, his wallet and keys sitting safely on the counter.

It'd been a few weeks since they'd confessed their love to each other. Tom had to admit, he liked the newfound constant attention Tord gave him. Often, Tord would slip into Tom's room (or the other way around) for a few hours so they could cuddle and watch a shitty movie. Then Tord would have to leave so Edd and Matt wouldn't think anything about it.

Admittedly, Tom didn't like all the secrecy, but the anxiety that came with the thought of telling Edd and Matt overwhelmed it.

Edd snapped him out of his thoughts as he placed a plate of food in front of Tom. "Bone apple teeth."

"Shut it, nerd," Tord piped up as he dug into his scrambled eggs.

Tom rolled his eyes as he stabbed at his hash browns. "I don't know why you're not a professional cook yet," he joked as he took a bite.

"Matt can make better food than I. I just know how to put stuff in a frying pan." Edd rolled his eyes. Matt perked up at his name.

"I can?" he asked, head tilting.

With a roll of his eyes, Edd just said, "Nevermind."

During their rather chattery conversation (mostly thanks to Matt), Tom's phone buzzed.


He checked the number, only to see it as an unknown one. He rolled his eyes, not bothering to check the message itself. After Tom blocked the number, Danny got another one... then another one... then another one. Tom could've gone to the police, but Tom genuinely doubted they'd do anything. They don't do shit for women, why'd they do it for a guy?


"Who was that?" Tord asked, perking an eyebrow. Edd and Matt didn't seem to notice, talking away.

A soft sigh escaped Tom's lips. "You know who."

"She got another number?" Tord let out a huff. "What a bitch."

Tom just smiled at that as he took another bite of his food and put his phone down. Edd glanced over at them, his plate empty. "You guys gonna come with us this time?" he asked, attracting Matt's attention as well.

They awkwardly glanced at each other. "I don't think so. Shopping is boring," Tord said, leaning back in his chair.

Edd sighed. "Alright, fine." He grabbed Matt's empty plate and tossed the two of theirs into the trash can. "Welp, we'll see you guys when you get home." He grabbed his keys from the counter and waved for Matt to follow him

Once they were alone, Tom leaned back in his seat. "What are we gonna do today?" he asked, eyebrow raising.

Tord just offered him a smile. "What do you think?" He grabbed Tom's hand and pulled it closer to him, pressing a soft kiss against it. "Anything you want?"

With a roll of his eyes, Tom took Tord's wrist and gave it a tug. "Honestly, let's just have sex already."

Well. So much for foreplay.

Tom got up from his seat and instead jumped up onto the corner of the island. Tord rolled his eyes at Tom as well, standing up. He wrapped his arms around Tom's waist, pressing a soft kiss against Tom's forehead. "Do you wanna go slow or what?"

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