Chapter 2

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Lucy and Daniel hurry into the kitchen because that’s where they hear everybody else. “Okay, what did you find?” Lucy asks.

Ethan just points to the counter and says, “Just read this.”

Daniel picks up the note and reads out loud, “If you are reading this then you must be Ethan, Daniel, Lucy, Alec, and/or Alice and if you can read this then you guys most likely aren’t zombies yet. Yes I said zombies. They are attacking the whole world as you read this. As of now I am most likely a zombie already just like everyone else in San Francisco and probably most of the rest of the world. Please don’t come looking for me I don’t want you guys to get hurt. But if you don’t listen (which I think you guys wont) If I’m correct then I think I overheard some of them about a lair. Ethan use what I taught you to figure out where they are. You might just be the last humans left but I’m really not sure. Save yourselves while you still can.”

“Oh wow. Zombies?! How does this happen?”  Lucy points out, shocked.

“I’m not sure. I wish I knew.” Ethan answers.

“Well what are we waiting for? Let’s go save our parents… and the rest of the world...” Alice says as if it’s the only thing we can do (which it probably is).

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I mean the note clearly says not to.” Alec whispers.

“I think we should do it. It’s our parents after all. Why don’t we take a vote? Everyone for it…” Alice states as she, Lucy, Daniel, and Ethan all raise their hands. “I guess you’re outnumbered Alec.”

“Yeah whatever. Fine I’ll go.” Alec grumpily says.

“Yay! Ok let’s get whatever we think we will need for our trip. We don’t know where to start other than the fact that they might just have a lair.” Lucy point out.

After they pack the necessities for the trip Ethan leads everyone to the secret lab that his dad owns. “This is something I’ve always wanted to go in ever since I was little. And for my birthday last year he showed me just how to get in. He even showed me how to use some of the equipment. Ahh, that was like the best birthday present I could ever get.” Ethan says remembering the memory.

“Well whatcha waiting for? Get us in!” Lucy proclaims jumping up and down in excitement.

When Ethan gets all of them in, everybody walks around in astonishment. It’s got everything they could ever come up with and some. Ethan packs a bag of everything they think they would need from the lab in its own separate bag just to be safe as he mentions, “Now listen up you guys, I don’t want you even touching this bag because there is some seriously dangerous things in here. I will give you whatever you need when you need it. Got me?”

In unison everybody says, “Yeah gotcha.”

“Good I’m glad-“

“What’s this Ethan?” Lucy asks cutting him off.

“What’s what? Oh! Hmm. That could just be what my dad was talking about in that note. Oh look. Here’s another note. I’ll read it… 'Welcome home! This is for you. Made it myself. What this lovely thing here does is it tracks where someone or something is. Let’s say you want to know where mom is all you have to do is take one of her belongings, put it in the slot, give it a minute or so and viola she or anything for that matter will be traced. Or you can type someone or something and it will show you where it is all around the world. It’s awesome I know. Hope it’s useful.' Yeah dad it’s gonna be useful.”

“Awesome! Another new thingy we can use!” Alice says cheerily.

“Yep ok let’s go everyone. I think I know where we can start.”

“Really? Where?” Daniel asks clearly confused.

“All the way in Florida. See? Just made use of the tracker. All I did was type zombie in and this map came up and the little red dots are zombies and see over here near Florida? There is a lot of red there and that area is most likely their little lair as my dad called it.”

They all pile into Ethan’s dads car and set out for Florida. For quite a few days all is quiet and all while they go on their normal routine of switching drivers, sleeping, eating, and so on and so forth. Then while they are in New Mexico they see a light on in a little cabin. Curious they pull up to it promising each other it will be really quick till they get back on the road again.  As they head inside all looks fine. Just a little cabin that its light was left on. “I think whoever lived here was taken and turned into a zombie and the light was never turned off.” Alec whispers.

“Yeah probably. Let’s look a little more just to be safe.” Daniel replies.

“Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking.” Lucy proclaims. They all veer off into their own separate rooms to check it out.

Once they are all done they meet up in the living room. “I didn’t see anything even remotely suspicious other than the light being on. Did you guys?” Alice asks.

“Nope.” Everybody says except Lucy because she isn’t there.

“Where’s Lucy?” Daniel asks not even trying to hide the panic in his voice.

“Uh… I dunno. Last I seen her she was heading into the master bedroom.” Alice replies looking around and starting to get worried also. Everybody goes rushing into the bedroom only to find a note written in very very big letters. 'You have one week to find your little friend of your or she becomes one of us. We would have turned her right away but we can only turn people when there is no moon in the sky. Oops I shouldn’t have said that. Oh well. It’s not like it will do much help for you guys.' “They took her!” Daniel says nearly screaming and getting more and more hysterical by the second.

“Shhh its ok. We will get to her before the week is over I promise.” Alice says trying to calm Daniel down.

“We’ve better find her. I can’t bear to lose her to… them.” Daniel replies now practically crying. Although he is quick to pull himself together. “Ok let’s go find my sister.”

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