Chapter 4

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Alec, Alice, Daniel, and Ethan all creep back into the heart of Zombieland with a freeze gun in one hand and a sword in the other. They easily make it all the way back to where they originally made the deal and Lucy spots them and not thinking first, screams. Victor looks at her and looks all around and finally sees everyone too. “You! What are you guys doing here? You got what you wanted now what?” Victor yells.

“I’m gonna get my sister also and there is nobody here to back you up. They’re all frozen and so will you be in just a moment.” Daniel points out. Daniel runs to get Lucy while everyone else freezes Victor but then a bunch more zombies come. “Fight them off and I will help as soon as I can!” Daniel calls out. He reaches Lucy and saves her then gives her the spare scythe he brought for her. “Here fight with this. You can do it.” Daniel tells Lucy.

“Whatever you say.”

They easily fight their way back to each other, freezes everybody (they couldn’t do it before because they had to hold them off so they wouldn’t get to Lucy and Daniel), and shoots every last zombie with the cure. 

They make it back to the car all in one piece and head home.

After about five years everything is back to normal in the world once again and everyone is living happily having forgotten all about what happened except Lucy, Daniel, Ethan, Alice, and Alec. They will never forget that trip ever. What still bothers them to this day is how it all happened in the first place. But they won’t let that bother them too much to where they can’t enjoy being back home and everyone together once again.

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