Part 4

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Fifth Hour

Everything was quite. Nicole looked around the room, noticing that everyone seemed to be bored out of their minds. Per usual, Jeremy was reading away. She guessed that even though he looked rather interested in the written words, he was fading fast as well.

Pursing her lips together, she started to whistle a well-known tune. In her head she was singing, "Double double, toil and trouble, eye of newt and cauldron bubble...." She smiled when everyone else started to join in whistling the song.

The door opened up, and Bulshar walked in. Immediately, Wynonna changed the tune to Beethoven's 5th. "Dun, dun, dun, dun..." She thought cynically. All Bulshar did was glare.

"All right, that's thirty minutes for lunch." Bulshar stated.

"Here?" Waverly asked. "I think the cafeteria would be a more suitable place for us to eat lunch in, sir.

"I don't care what you think, Waverly."

"Dick, excuse me Bulshar, will milk be a available to us?" Wynonna said and Doc smirked at her.

"Yeah were extremely thirsty." Doc pointed out.

"I have a really low tolerance for dehydration." Waverly agreed, perking up a bit.

"I've seen her dehydrate. It's pretty gross."  Nicole added in. At this rate, Bulshar was bound to refuse.

"Relax," cried Wynonna, standing up. "I'll get it."

"Ah, ah, ah grab some wood there, Bub!" Bulshar directed his, pointing one pale finger. Wynonna sat back down. Jeremy looked up from his book at the wide grin that was spreading across Wynonna's face. What was she up to now? "What do you think I was born yesterday? Do you honestly think I am going to allow you to roam these halls?"

Bulshar pointed at Nicole, "You," he hissed. Doc sat up straighter, looking very much like a good student, but Bulshar's eyes barely passed over her. "And you!" he shouted back to Waverly. The rest of the room watched. "NOW!" He started to walk down the aisle in between the desks to her. "Come on! Get on your feet!"

"There's a door that the teachers use to get into the cafeteria," Bulshar told Nicole and Waverly. "Go this way," he pointed down the hall, "until you reach the large door that seems broken. Ask for five milk then report back here immediately. I will know if you don't. GO!"

They watched Bulshar hurry off in a flurry, before sighing and starting off in his intended direction.


"So.." Nicole spoke she she looked at Waverly who was right behind Nicole.

"Soo." Waverly responded smiling quite a bit. "Why are you here?" Waverly asked catching up to Nicole, who was walking fast.

Nicole sighed, "I beat up a guy for making fun of my friends who are gay. Yes"

"Jeez I'm sorry. You don't deserve to be here. He should be in here."

"Well I'd never suspect a girl like you to be in here.. Miss perfect grades." Nicole smiled, walking a little closer to Waverly.

"Wynonna decided to would be a good idea to egg and tp one of her teachers house. She dragged me along."

Nicole burst out laughing. "Isn't there like a "Teenager For Dummies" book that says not to do that?"

"Shut up." Waverly giggled, she couldn't help but think how cute Nicole's laugh was.


When the two girls got back, everyone started to eat his or her lunch. Things were tense. Jeremy had piles and piles of food that his parents gave. Wynonna sat with nothing but soda and Doc carefully sat next to her, making sure not to rile her up. Doc got out a sushi platter and started to eat.

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