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Hydra Base ZFII-235
Moscow, Russia
10:01 AM

Tony woke up, his Body was weak, paralyzed almost, but it felt different. As if...he limbs..? It was probably just the pain from that stupid Liquid.

If Tony's hands weren't chained up, he probably would've realized what was on his head sooner. His voice was low, and quiet, and his throat was sore from crying and screaming.

"H-h-Hello?" He choked out. His vision was..weirder, it wasn't the same..then, he blinked, and his eyes widened, instead of a dark room, it

And he could see a human, or a few of them, who were green, red, yellow, and orange.. but..they weren't in the same room..? "Am I on weed or some shit?" Tony questioned himself.

He blinked again, and his vision went back to normal,

"Good morning, Stark, I see you already found out about your new
abilities?" The voice questioned, sarcastically.

"What..Abilities?" Tony croaked.

"Your new Sense, and...other additions. That Liquid? It was a new Serum we made. Called, the 'Dragon Serum' Stark." The voice replied

"The..Dragon Serum?" Tony asked, confused

"Yes, you aren't a Dragon, but you do have a Six sense. Like, a Snake's six sense, you can detect heat that other creatures, like humans, give off." The voice said.

"What..else?" Tony asked, his back feeling sore.

"You have a wired Tail, which helps, as well as horns. They helped enhance your 'Six Sense' Stark."  The voice cackled.

Tony stayed silent, moving his chained up hand as close as he could to his face, feeling Heat sensitive pits, the ones that snakes would have, near his nose.

"You're a Monster, Stark. What will your oh so kind Team do now?" The voice chuckled,

Tony just looked shocked? Scared? Sad? He didn't know..

He didn't know..

Avengers Tower
New York

Nat and Clint were in their super secret hide out with tons of high tech weapons and food that can last you for years t—

It was just Clint's bedroom.

There were Snickers wrappers, Jolly Rancher wrappers, just a ton of candy wrappers which perished because they never landed into the overfilled trash bin.

"So, How can you prove that Stark isn't working for Hydra?" Clint asked,

"Remember how Heroic he was? How he saved the World from the Chitauri invasion? How he never knew who Barnes was? Or, how kind, and heroic he was? Would a Sociopath or Psychopath do that?" Nat asked

"And would he know that Bucky would murder his Parents?" Natasha asked. Clint was silent for a moment, not being able to think of a response to that.

"Fine..He may not be part of Hydra but what do you want me to do? Get my ass kicked by Wanda for saying Tony isn't a bad guy?" Clint huffed.

"No, but I need your help. Tony never came back when Steve went to get Bucky back from Hydra, I...I think he might've been captured by them.." Nat said

"Go on.." Clint said

"So, I need your help tracking down which Hydra Base Tony's in." Nat said, "No way! I am not getting my kneecaps busted by some German assholes."

"Please?" Nat asked, giving Clint puppy eyes. "Nat no—" "I'll tell everyone that you sang Barbie Girl while drunk at 2AM last Saturday night." She sternly said.

Clint sighed, "Fine, but you owe me, big time." Clint sighed.

Steve walked into the Common room, where Scott, Sam, and Wanda were on a Laptop. "What are you guys doing?" Steve asked, Wanda looked up "Well, you said he revealed his secret in Moscow, right?" Wanda said, Steve nodded.

"We told Fury, Who now has a good majority of his Agents searching for Hydra Bases, our Search is going....fairly good since we just started an hour ago."  She said, going back to the Laptop.

"Good, he deserves to be found, and killed." Steve snarled "All those people he killed, hurt, or even...mutated, would be happy to see him dead." Steve said, walking out of the Room.

Natasha mentally cursed, in a very colorful way. "Fuck! I have to tell Fury the truth before Tony is killed. He's innocent. Steve? Far from it." Natasha thought

"I'm gonna go to Fury to sort things out with the...Tony situation." Nat said to Sam, Scott, and Wanda, as she left the Tower to tell Fury the truth.

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