Indie someone you shouldn't trust while reading Crossed or Reached.
She will try to steal your man when your not around!
According 2 her mind since Cassia isn't around I'll flirt with Ky and he'll forget about her and love me!
No just NO!
Cassia trusts u but YOU betray her!
Indie, sweetie, darling..STOP FLIRTING WITH KY!
Your jealous that he loves Cassia not you.
Let them be happy without u getting jealous.
If was Indies mother (if she was still alive) I would say.
"Now Indie, I know you like him but you need to respect that he's with someone else. You'll find your sunshine sooner or later."
Plus...PLUS Ky wouldn't betray Cassia.
Indie on the other hand would kill someone just to get what she wants.
She has a dangerous fire in her eyes.
Don't trust her....WHAT EVER YOU DO.
Thanks 4 listening to my rant and if you like Indie I'm sorry. This is just my opinion.
-Lizzy 🙅✌️😎😕

The Thoughts of Lizzy!
RandomThis is entirely random You'll get to see some lots of my random thoughts. And what goes through my brain everyday...well almost.