This is a rant about the Mockingjay clip that was on GMA when Jen, Josh and Liam were there yeasterday. If you like Gale then this rant is not for you.
So 1st of all you dont sya that it's a different Peeta! THATS the SAME freakin Peeta Mellatk that saved you from a whipping!
I know I know 'he's just jelous.' as mjwatergirl would say. I get that but he shouldn't have said those things about Peeta and thats a sensitive topic for Katniss at this point, but you roo caught up in jelously that you re to blind to se that. The look that and the look Katniss gave him was a look of 'how can you say that?!' and look of hurt. He desereved that look. You wouldve if you were in Katniss feet now wouldnt you. Yes yes you would.
Also he must be blind if he cant see that Peeta looks different. can you not see the how red his face is! Can you not see hos eyes are blood shot?! can you not se how much pain hes in?! Clearly you cant beacause you Mr. Gale Hawthorne would rather be at gun point then listen to what he has to say!
If i remeber correclty he kinda saved your live. He saved Katnis' life. Also I'm starting to think that you do not like people that thnk diffrently then you. Katniss doesnt want the same things as you and your fine but when Peeta says its like totally diffrent. So apprently it isnt human if you dont wanna fight.
Gale needs to understand nothing good comes out of fightimg people. Katniss gets that. Finnick gets that. Annie gets that. Haymitch gets it. Almost all the victors get it. The games screw people up, people will die. Tons and tons of people will die during the war, and here you are making death traps! Killing innocent people who have done nothing to you but here you are killing them becasue you want more war and death in your life.
Okay, okay Im good now I just had to get that off my chest and I'm sorry about this but there will be rants in the future in this book just not like this...okay thats a lie but they will be about like diffrent things just not always The Hunger Games. So anywho....
How have you guys been? :)
QOTD: Are you going to see Mockingjay if so who are ypou going with?
I'm going with my friends @sweetteddy8 and Amber.

The Thoughts of Lizzy!
RandomThis is entirely random You'll get to see some lots of my random thoughts. And what goes through my brain everyday...well almost.