Kiss Me Kiss Me

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My 1sr reaction to the title was like this: 😱😱😱😍😍😍😏

And I said this out load 'Oh I will.' 😬😬😳

It was very weird and I was embarrassed after but whateva I'm an embarrassing person.


Hey my beautiful Unicorn Penguins!

How are u lovely people today?

I'm honestly really sorry that I haven't updated 'New Beginning' a lot 😞 but I will try to.

OMG I've forgotten a QOTD on the past updates! 😱😱😱

QOTD: What's your favorite song?
Mines English Love Affair (it's only available in England but thanks 2 YouTube I can listen to it)

QOTD: What's your jam(s)?
Mine are Break Free, Problem, Mrs. All American, Popular Song, Made in America (Cimorelli)
& The Way We Live (Cimorelli)

It u don't know who Cimorelli check them out on YouTube! I think they are such inspiring girls to be honest. I love them and I'm proud to be in the CimFam 😊❤️

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