Bad Boy! Shuichi X Kokichi

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The day was relatively normal. The sun shines upon the school campus where talented students make their way to classes and lockers. Some chat throughout the hallways with their friends or get breakfast in the cafeteria.

Not Kokichi Ouma, though. He sat in his first period, his seat in the front row by the window. He could see the students enjoying the outdoors; enjoying themselves.

He sighs. He didn't really see the real meaning of enjoyment. Then again, he didn't really care for it if it was just going to be ruined. He was a star student, one of the smartest in the school. While that did bring him popularity, it also brought him a lot of harassment from some peers, one in particular the most.

That person was Shuichi Saihara, the school known bad boy. Regardless of his title, he was adored by everyone, excluding the staff. Both girls and boys practically humped his shoes. He was treated like a God. Kokichi didn't see it. Sure, Shuichi was handsome and charismatic, but he was a total douchebag. Because Kokichi was so intelligent, Shuichi constantly dropped his work on him and treated him like a slave. That is only when he needed him, of course. Other than that, Shuichi didn't associate with him at all. After all, why did a popular bad boy like him want to actually talk to the smart choir kid?

The bell rings and class begins. It's normal, like always. Kokichi did like having Japanese for first period, since it allowed him to get ready for the rest of the day in a way he enjoyed. The starter for today was just writing whatever you wanted. He always did like being able to write anything down. It gave him an opportunity to write whatever, going from music, fanfictions, and random things. He did have a fair share of smut writings, but lucky for him, the teacher never read the journal entries.

He begins to draw in his small sketchbook. He mostly drew whatever, and today's entry was a dagger.

The door opens. Kokichi didn't even have to look up to know who it was. The guy always came in twenty minutes late, it's not like he cared either way.

Regardless, he does look up and sure enough, it's Shuichi. He wears a smirk as he walks in, earning several greetings from the classmates. The teacher was unimpressed and attempted to scold him, but Shuichi just laughed and walked to his seat in the back of the classroom.

Kokichi rolls his eyes at his behavior. He continues to draw, having being caught up on everything. Ten minutes later, the teacher leaves. Like expected, the class begins to grow loud and students begin to move around. This was an every day occurrence, so Kokichi wasn't at all phased by it.

What did startle him, though, was Shuichi slamming a hand on his desk, inches away from his sketchbook. "Hey, did you do my homework?" He asks in a more demanding tone.

"No, I didn't." Kokichi replies bluntly, looking Shuichi in the eyes. "I said I wouldn't and I didn't. What part of no didn't you understand?"

Shuichi clenched his fist. "Just who do you think you're talking to, twink?"

Kokichi tilts his head with an indifferent expression. "A future gas station attendant. A potential high school dropout. A future cancer patient. Shall I go on?" He lists.

"What's with you? Why are you being a dick?" The taller boy questions angrily.

"I'm just telling the truth." Kokichi shrugs. "Now, if you don't mind, could you please leave me alone? I'm going to suffocate on the smoke stench."

Kokichi sees Shuichi's face grow pink before he leaves. "Whatever."

Again, Kokichi rolls his eyes. "What a fucking child..." He whispers to himself.

The bell rings and Kokichi begins going to second period. He ways looked forward to that class, since his best friends were in that class too. They made math so much better.

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