Bakugou x reader x Kaminari

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It's too late (Kaminari x reader x Bakugou) 8000 words

With the sound of knocking at your door, you stood and made your way towards it. You weren't feeling it today but there was no one else around to answer. Opening it up, you were met with the sight of a electric, blonde idiot you knew very well. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could utter a single word, the door was slammed in his face.

You turned you back on the door and began walking to the living room, wanting to resume the game you had been playing before you had been interrupted. But there was another knock, making you audibly groan. Spinning around, you returned to the door and reluctantly opened it. Standing before you was the same pokemon-looking dunce with a wide, proud smile on his face.

"(Y/n), I need a date," he said confidently. Your face heated up but it was barely noticeable. Before you could respond, he continued.

"There's a dance at our school in two weeks and we all need dates, you have super hot friends so I thought that you would be able to hook us up," he says, gesturing to himself and the three boys which stood behind him. The red and black-haired boys sent you smiles while the third boy with ash-blonde hair stared blankly at you, his face showing no emotion.

"Why should I help your pikachu-looking ass?" you question, glaring down at him. He shifted uncomfortably under your gaze.

"Well, since we're friends and you're super nice I thought you would help us out. Come on, please," he begs. You let out a sigh and open the door wider.

"Whatever but you better leave straight after, I'm busy." The four boys entered, the three you didn't know following Kaminari into the living room. You walked behind them, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Take a seat and give me any preferences you have," you say pointing at Kaminari first, who had made himself comfortable on your couch.

"Hmm, she has to be really pretty and nice." You nod and pull out your phone, beginning to scroll through your contacts.

"Alright and you, red-head."

"I don't know, bubbly and excitable maybe?" he asks. You nod and keep scrolling.

"Ok, elbows," you say, pointing at the black-haired boy.

"Um, just someone that's easy to get along with."

"And hedgehog."

"You." frozen in place, you look up and meet red eyes looking directly at you.

"Uh excuse me?"

"Don't make me repeat myself," he snickers. You raised an eyebrow.

"Why would you choose her? (Y/n) is so mean and antisocial, she hates almost everyone and everything!" Kaminari rants to the ash-blonde. He shrugs his shoulders, slouching in his seat.

"Shut your mouth, you dysfunctional toaster. Anyway, what I've got is Hinako for the red-head, Yu for elbows, Aiko for the Chinese knock-off pikachu and apparently me for the hedgehog." All of them nodded, muttering about how they had names, not liking the nicknames you had assigned them.

"You're actually agreeing to this?" Kaminari asks. You shrug your shoulders.

"I said I would help and I've got nothing better to do, I might as well." He sighs, leaning back in his seat.

"Whatever, can you just get their numbers?". You nod.

"Give me a second, I've just gotta call and let them know about it." The three phone calls took barely five minutes, each girl happy to accompany the U.A boys to the dance. Grabbing a notebook and pen from a table, you began writing down the girl's numbers.

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