Katsuki Bakugou

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I will never let him have you (Bakugou x reader) 4000 words

Bakugou let out a frustrated sigh as he headed to the roof. He rarely went up there but wanted to calm down before his next period. It was lunch time and he was getting annoyed by Kirishima constantly pestering him. He admitted that they were kind of friends but there was a point where he needed some space.

Climbing up the stairs, he heard voices on the roof. Approaching the door, he silently left and hid behind a wall. He peaked around and saw a boy his age standing before a girl who was cowering and shaking before him.

"Aw come on, I didn't even hit you that hard," the guy snickered. He then picked up her bag and went through it. He pulled out some money and slid it into his pocket, occasionally glancing at the girl who clutched her aching stomach.

Next, he pulled out a bento, his smirk widened. He opened it, staring at its contents with interest.

"Wow, you make this yourself?" he asked. You weakly nodded your head, looking up at him with teary eyes. He looked almost impressed.

"Guess it took a long time to make." You didn't respond, this made him snicker. You expected him to take it with him and eat it, but no, he did neither. He tipped it upside down, your lunch falling onto your head. He laughed as you sat before him, humiliated.

"Don't forget to eat up," he said before walking away, heading to the door and back into the school building. Even though you were at U.A, you experienced bullying. This was only because you'd know the boy since elementary school. He was a family friend, ironic since he wasn't your friend nor was her friendly. Sighing, you remained still.

Bakugou stalked over when he knew the guy was gone and approached you. Hearing footsteps, you looked up to see a pissed off looking boy with ash-blonde hair. You knew him, as did everyone else at U.A, he was Katsuki Bakugou, winner of the sports festival.

You attempted to get up, wanting to get out of his way. You knew that he was a hothead and the tiniest things made him angry. But you were unable to get up, your legs were weak. He stopped in front of you, looking down at you with a glare. You averted your gaze.

"S-sorry," you apologized, flinching as you awaited something to hit you. But you were surprised when you heard him kneel before you, beginning to pick pieces of rice from you hair.

"If you leave it in, it will be harder to get out later," he muttered, continuing to pull the bits out until it was all gone.

When he was done, he sat across from you and dropped his bag in his lap. Opening it, he grabbed a bento and slid it over to you. You looked up at him and shook your head.

"I can't take this," you said. He huffed, turning his face away from you.

"Take it, loser. I saw that asshole take your money, that means you don't have any lunch. Fucking eat it before I change my mind." For some reason you didn't find him menacing anymore, instead of shying away you giggled.

"Okay," you agreed, opening the bento and beginning to eat from it. You couldn't help but love the food, it was extremely spicy but you enjoyed it.

"Too hot for you?" he chuckled. You shook your head, sending him a happy smile.

"Nope, I like hot food anyway," you admit. He watched as you finished it, handing him the empty bento once you were finished. He smirked at you.

"I guess you needed that then, huh?" You nodded with a light blush.

"Teppei always takes my lunch so I'm usually hungry around now." He watched you intensely.

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