Tamaki Amajiki

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Secret admirer (Tamaki x reader) 2000 words

It started off as one box of chocolates. The note attached made it sound like it was just a thank you for helping someone design their hero costume. You were a third year in the support course and helped all three year levels with designs so it could be anyone in the hero course. You expected it to be one time thing but after that day you began receiving more gifts from them and little notes, this was a lot more than a thank you.

It had been two weeks since this started and you had kept it to yourself. You weren't one to get much attention in this sense so it was nice to know someone liked you. No one else needed to know about it but on the beginning of the third week, someone noticed you reading one of the notes with a deep blush.

Nejire skipped to you and leaned over your shoulder, reading the note allowed.

"You look really pretty today, good luck with the midterms but you're so smart I don't think you need my luck." Hearing her voice, you jump with wide eyes. Turning your head, you relax when see that it's only Nejire.

"Don't sneak up on me like that," you sigh in relief, holding a hand over your heart in an attempt to calm down. She giggles.

"Sorry about that, but I saw you standing over here with a red face. I wanted to know why and so I came over to have a look. That note is really nice, who gave to you? A friend? Your boyfriend? Your girlfriend? Your mom? Your dad?" She kept asking questions while you stared blankly at her, only getting her to shut up once you slapped your hand over her mouth.

"Alright, if you shut up I'll tell you." She nods, her words muffled against your hand. Taking a deep breath, you pull your hand away and relax.

"For the past two weeks I've been getting gifts and notes from someone," you admit. Her face lights up.

"From who?" she asks excitedly. You rubbed the back of your neck.

"The truth is that I don't know who they're from. They're always compliments and support," you explain, a light blush dusting your cheeks. She smiles widely.

"Wow, a secret admirer!" she announces. You slap your hand over her mouth once more.

"Not a word to anyone, just let me enjoy this, okay? I don't want them to feel too pressured, they're probably too shy to confess." She nods her head.

"I promise not to tell anyone."

You wished that she kept that promise but you didn't blame her, it was Nejire after all. And before you knew it, everyone knew about your secret admirer. It only took a day, one day and everyone knew.

Walking down the hall towards the support class room in the morning, you noticed a lot of people looking at you. It didn't bother you, you just wondered why it was that they were looking. You only figured it out when a first year from the support course, Hatsune Mei, stopped you.

"Senpai, I heard that you have a secret admirer!" she giggles. You raised an eyebrow, wondering how that information could've made it to her.

"Who told you that?" you asked.

"No one, I over heard some second years from the business course talking about it. Now you're famous all over the school, not only because of your amazing babies but also because you have a secret admirer. Everyone is talking about it, Senpai." You groaned.

"Are you kidding me? Second years from the business course, I don't even know anyone from the business course." Hatsune chuckles and pets your head.

"Don't worry, senpai. You can figure out who spread it around, who was the first person you told?" You froze as the talkative heroine came to mind, thinking about her made you realize how the story got around. Nejire had obviously been the source, you'd be sure to give her a piece of your mind at lunch.

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