The Vermin

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I swallowed hard, a new school a new life. Thinking now, it seems like the typical start of a sappy romance. The school building wasn't too big, in fact some would say small, but when you went inside, thousands of kids flooded the halls. All seemed to be in a race to get to their own class rooms. At my last school, I was an outsider, someone who didn't wear the "cool" clothing of the time, didn't play a sport, or wasn't good at pretty much everything. The only thing I could count on were my wits and intelligence. But this school it's different. Now I'm sporting brands like a adidas tee with an adidas jacket, plus some sandals made too big for my feet. I finally used make up and paid attention to my looks and now, I look like your stereotypical "popular" girl.

Immediately I noticed many of the boys had one thing on their mind. After being groped about three times I left for the bathroom.

Without looking I stumbled in. I smelt a foul and familiar stench, smoke. I coughed and swatted my hand trying to get rid of the poisonous gas.

"Hey, the hell you doin' in here huh?" A male voice came from one of the stalls. "Ay man, you got some stronger stuff? This pot isn't doing anything."

I gulped, this school had drug dealers and drug doers... off to a great start.

"No." I answered simply. After a couple seconds the door opened. The smoke started to clear enough to see his face. He had round features yet still maintained a sharp jawline. He had two lip piercings, an eyebrow piercing, not to mention a nose piercing. He had tattoos on his arm which he seemed to try and cover up with cheap makeup. Other me would've thought he was hot af, but new me disagrees.

"What the hell? Why is a girl in the boy's bathroom?" He asked me. I just turned my heel and left. I obviously had to "nope" the situation, after all I'm the type of person who always chooses flight over fight.

-Taehyung's POV-

I took the joint in my fingers and rolled it across, Jimin had been getting me some but he changed dealers. Idiot doesn't know a good joint from a cig. It doesn't matter I guess, a joint is a joint. I pulled out my lighter and lit the end of the paper. Inhaling, I heard a person up the door. I must have been Jimin. I asked him about if he had anything stronger than this, and his meek voice said no. Expecting him when I came out I took another inhale of the joint and then put it out and flushed it down the toilet, the smoke was still in the air the time I stepped out.

Surprised in my tracks, I smirked, "Why is a girl in the boy's bathroom?" I looked her over, she had (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. She was definitely not bad looking, wait, the hell am I thinking?! She's a jock, one of those damn preps. Just before I was about to insult her, she left.

I got out my phone and texted Jimin.

Me: hey that joint was a piece of shit you got anything stronger?

Jimin: the hell? I don't have time to worry about drugs

Me: you know, you should actually try wha you sell, I bet you'd like it.

Jimin: nah man, that shits disgusting

Me: lol anyway ask ur dealer

Jimin: will do, but you know this stuff costs a lot, I can only get my friend to cut you so much

Me: you know me, I always have money

Jimin: dont do anything that will get u locked in long, you know how that went for Mark.

Me: I know kno

Jimin, always such a worry wort. Jimin was one of "The Vermin." It's our school's nickname for us. I kind of like it though, fits most of us perfectly. There are 5 of us vermin. We have Jungkook, the rookie. He's pretty new to the whole "vermin" thing. It's funny, he can't even steal a dollar. Then you have Yoongi. God what can I say about that dumb ass. He's usually asleep and when he's awake he's a real pain to work with if he hasn't had a smoke. Then you have Namjoon. He's the leader of our little vermin group. He's actually pretty good for leading a gang of us. He doesn't do drugs, doesn't steal, doesn't get in fights, really he only pulls us away if things go to far. He does skip class on the regular, but he's so smart it doesn't matter. I don't think the group would function properly if he left. I wonder what the reason for him staying with us is... We're like a pack of dogs, okay don't take that to heart, we're not furries, but we all look after each other. If one of us is in trouble, we support that person and give them all the help we can.

I sighed and looked in the mirror. Messing up my hair, I left the bathroom. It was finally time to go to second hour. The hour I look forward to, because the teacher is fucking hot. I lick my lips as I see her brush her hair behind her ear. She had an hourglass figure and a tight shirt. Man what I would do to see what's under her skirt.

"Taehyung, if you keep staring at me like that, I'm going to send you to the office." She sternly said. She may be hot but she is one hot bad ass.

"Affirmative, ma'am."

"See me after class."

I smirked and bit my lip. I knew what she meant.

She motioned someone to come forward. I saw the same girl from the bathroom. She looked at me and immediately averted her eyes.

Haha, cute. What the hell am I thinking? God, maybe this joint is more powerful than I thought.

Vermin (Taehyung x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now