Party Time

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A/N I don't even know why I keep writing this like seriously I have no views and I'm on my 6th part... oh well


"Um, dance?" I asked Taehyung.

He laughed, "Yeah, you deaf or somethin'?"

I bit my lip... this song was a really hyped one and I did not have the best moves... "uh, I think Jimin wants to." I ran over to Jimin and grabbed his hand. I put him in front of Taehyung and left to go chat with J-Hope.

"I'm not gay for Tae!" I heard Jimin say. I also hear a grunt from him after Taehyung pinched him in the stomach. When I turned around Taehyung and I locked eyes. I was the first to break it.

"Hey, Hobi." I leaned against the counter "nice party."

"Thanks. Hey I was wondering if you wanted to see that new movie "ICE" with a couple of friends." J-Hope smiled. He had his piercings back in and his letterman jacket was no where to be seen.

"Yeah! Who gonna be there?"

"Me, Jin, some people from school, and I think his name is honnga?" J-Hope said, a bit slurred.

"Honngi?" It couldn't be right? They may share the same name but, they're different.

"Yeah! Some kid who recently moved here from like Incheon."

I gulped, that was where he moved to wasn't it? Shoot, stop thinking. It's not him. It's not him...

"Taehyung, waddup my man?" J-Hope held out his hand and did a weird handshake with Taehyung.

"So, (Y/N) have you been here before?" Taehyung asked me.

"Yeah, I took a drunk J-Hope here but it looks a lot different in the light than the dark. I couldn't recognize it."

"Hah, did you know J-Hope also does a bit of a weed so I'm not the only one who needs a lecture now."

I glared at Taehyung while he just held his smirk. I pinched his cheek and continued talking, "J-Hope, why hide behind the prep persona?"

"Good question. I don't really know. Maybe it's because most people wouldn't believe someone who looks like this to be super hyper. But it's okay if you're a jock or a stupid peppy guy."

I forcibly took J-Hopes cheeks in my hands, "Hobi, you are not stupid. You are amazing!" I let go, "don't even think about anything negative. You should always have a positive mental attitude!"

J-Hope smiled, "(Y/N), how can one be so sweet?"

Taehyung slapped both of us on the back of the head, "are we done lovebirds?"

I rolled my eyes. Taehyung laughed, "little girl, I'd been meaning to ask you something, what in the world are you doing at this party? Did J-Hope invite you?"

J-Hope shook his head, "I'm pretty sure Jimin did."

"Someone say my name?" Jimin walked up, still a little sweaty from pool.

"Wow, how hard did you play pool?" I asked.

Jimin blushed, "not very... I'm naturally good so I was just practicing."

Taehyung hit Jimins back, "naturally good? I beat you every time and I don't play pool ever,"

I smile, "you guys are just like newly weds!"

Jimin and Taehyung both cringed. J-Hope and I just laughed. It had been a while since I had friends like this, well they weren't my friends but they were the closest I got.

-Taehyung's POV-

I stared at (Y/N). Laughing like that, you'd forget she was a bitch. But what made me think she was anyway? All she ever does is tease me but she doesn't do anything bad. She's actually pretty fun to hang out with...

"(Y/N), do you have a boyfriend?" I asked. I snuck a cheese cube from the counter top.

I smiled at how red she got, "I-I-" she looked at me and then Jimin, then J-Hope, "no one."

"Huh?" J-Hope asked, signaling her to be louder.

"IM A SINGLE PRINGLE!" She yelled, cheeks flushed.

Everyone laughed, "hey, we're single too." I smirked.

She looked up at me, "hm, with all your fooling around with the teachers I thought you'd at least made one of them your bitch."

I bit my lip, damn she's good... fuck... "yeah, but I don't like commitment."

She shrugged and looked at J-Hope expecting his response. He finally croaked some words, "Yeah, I don't have one..."

Jimin blushed as soon as she turned to him. Is this girl that thick-headed? How does she not realize he has the hots for her? She smiled, "Jimin? Are you single?"

"No!" He said.

"No?" She asked nervously.

I contorted my face. I kicked Jimins leg, "what the fuck are you doing?" I whispered.

"I mean yes!" He finally chimed in.

"So you are single?" (Y/N) gazed up at him with anticipation.

I felt an uneasy feeling at the bottom of my stomach. What was wrong with me today?

"Yeah..." he dragged out.


"Good?" He said.

"That means Taehyung has no rivals!" She grinned.

Jimin blushed and hit her shoulder, "Aish (Y/N)! I'm not gay! I'm as straight as Namjoon in Expensive Girl!"

"Expensive girl?" (Y/N) asked.

Jimin nodded, "Yeah, we sometimes write songs and stuff."

She smiled, "Wow, so you're in a band? That's so cool!"

Jimin vigorously nodded, "Yeah. I'm one of the singers, so is Taehyung."

(Y/N) turned to me, "you sing?"

I sighed, wishing Jimin hadn't made any remark, "Yeah... I'm no good though. Pretty sure they just keep me in so they have a bass voice."

"You have a deep voice? Let me hear!" She grinned. J-Hope leaned his head on (Y/N)'s shoulder.

I bit my lip, "no."

"No?" She frowned. "Why not?"

"Because I'm bad at it and this is a party not some shitty club."

"Aw, thanks bro." J-Hope gleamed.


I gazed at Taehyung, how could one be so... odd. He sings and he's cute, but ultimately a drug and teacher doer.

"You're not awful!" Jimin said, "come on man, show (Y/N) what you got."

I smirked, no way could Taehyung say no to Jimin's squishy face!

"Ugh, fine." Taehyung grumbled, "but you have to too!"

Jimin froze, "I-uh Nope Nope Nope!" Jimin darted out towards the opening, but was held back by Taehyung grabbing his collar.

"No, you're not going anywhere." Taehyung let a snicker leave his lips, "so my little mochi, let's sing."

Jimin sighed and stood by me. He got so close to me, he was practically spooning me, "um I don't think (Y/N) would like my voice..."

"Sure I would, plus it's you Jimin, i like everything about you."

I could feel him grab my side and hug me, "aw (Y/N) you're so sweet! You don't belong here! But I'll sing to you anyway."

Taehyung and Jimin started to sing and I was taken a back.

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