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Adam Whilde - a young laid back archery hunter with a big heart and an even bigger secret

Lance Whilde - Adam's nephew, second in command and master trader

Keith Whilde - Adam's first adopted son, takes on more physical chores

Hunk Whilde - Adam's third eldest son and the most concerned for Adam's health and strength

Pidge Whilde - Adam's youngest and everyone's most beloved adopted child

Takashi Shirogane - heir to the throne of Theria, his world is about to be turned upside down

Thares Shirogane - King of Theria who heavily taxes his peasants, especially the Azonians

Tophus Shirogane -Queen and mother, she coddles her son but her intentions are pure

Nurse - loyal to the future throne, she is Prince Takashi's friend and voice of reason in the castle

Allura - the positive and justice thirsty head rebellion administrator and Adam's best friend

Krolia - the weapons master of the rebellion and second to Allura in command

Coran - one of the last remaining original rebellion members who are still loyal to Adam

Matt - the tactics master of the rebellion

Kolivan -  rebellion member, supportive of Adam and the team

Sven - one of Adam's old generals, is skeptical of Adam's ability to lead

Curtis - a solder of Adam's army and most bloodthirsty killer

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