Act One Scene Five

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Adam: So how is everything at home?

Allura: Alright.

Adam: You sure?

Allura: Yes. You worry way too much. Maybe too much for your own good.

Adam: I just want to make sure you're okay. You know, with winter coming and all that.

Allura: I'm doing just fine. So how have the kids been?

Adam: Usual. I just hope Lance isn't freaking out I've been gone so long.

Allura: What did he want to talk about?

Adam: Lately I've been taking him hunting with me, trading, I've taught him to cure meat, those kinds of things. In case something happens to me. He told me he doesn't feel ready if something were to happen.

Allura: That's a heavy thing to think about.  

Adam: It's a lot. I think he's thinking worst-case scenario I die during winter or something like that. 

Allura: Oh, that's rough. 

Adam: He's sensitive. You know how the kids are, what they've been through. Just going through that again would tear them apart. I can't blame Lance for what he's feeling. I mean, it's already a huge task what I do. Doing that while I may be sick or dead would just be awful. I gotta get home quickly. It's already dark.

Allura: You will be fine. Lance will be fine.

Adam: I still have a lot to teach him. 

Allura: Like what?

Adam: What to do in case of illness. You know that Azonian herbal remedy book I carry with me?

Allura: Yeah.

Adam: I got it memorized. If I can get Lance to memorize everything, maybe he'd feel more prepared if something bad were to happen.

Allura: You have that whole book memorized?

Adam: Yeah. I've been storing some teas in case they get sick or can't sleep.

Allura: Those things are valuable. I still don't see why you don't get a job as a herbal healer.

Adam: Business is slow in the city. Taxes are rising. I'd just take them to the trade bar if I had extra.

Allura: Why don't you?

Adam:  If I go to often, I might get caught. You know the trade bar is a secret thing. We get taxed for the things we buy with shillings. That's why we hunt or make other goods and trade in secret. 

Allura: But hunting is the only way to get meat around here. Why is it illegal.

Adam: The Therian king wants his people to be civilized and pay for our goods rather than hunt for them like barbarians. 

Allura: We are already barbaric as it is.

Adam: I don't see how living under his rules and conditions are going to make our lives any better. We don't have much money to begin with. By the time the prince rises to the throne who knows what's going to happen. 

Allura: The coronation is near you know. 

Adam: No kidding. He's nearly a grown man. 

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