What he does to try and help

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You were home with your little girl Darcy while harry was out at the studio. Darcy was not having one of her best days. You tried everything to get her to stop crying, nothing was working. You called your husband Harry crying.

H-Harry Y-You

Phone call:

H - hi babe what's up

Y- I can't do anything to get Darcy to stop crying.

H- did you try to feed her?

Y- I tried everything harry I'm a terrible mother.

H- no your not babe your a great mum.

Y- I don't know what to do

H-I'm on my way home babe I love you.

Y- love you too!

End of phone call

A few mins later Harry walked in the door and came and kissed you. He then took Darcy from your arms and walked you to yours and his bed and layer you down and told you to rest. At that moment you knew Harry was an amazing father!


You and Niall were asleep when your little girl started crying. You got up trying not to wake up Niall. You went and picked up Nicole and sat in the chair in her room. You could not get her asleep so you just sat there rocking her for awhile. Niall came in the door of Nicole's room and grabbed her from you. The both of you sat there together cuddling with your little girl.


You and Louis were sitting watching tv with your little twins. You were trying to breast feed Tucker but he would not do it. You got frustrated and started to cry because of your mood swings. Louis got all upset to see you like that. He took Tucker from you and rubbed his back and said "come on little buddy let's eat for mum." You smiled at your two boys. Then you took Tucker and tried to feed him again and this time it worked!


You were holding cole while trying to make dinner for when Liam came home. Cole did not like when you would put him down to do stuff around the house. What ever you were doing he always wanted to be held. Liam would be home soon so you wanted to make Chicken and salad with your noodles. Cole would not stop crying. You tried to hold him while mixing the salad it was not easy tho. Liam came home a little early so dinner was not ready yet. You were upset cause you wanted to surprise him and have everything ready. He came in the kitchen and gave you and cole a kiss. You told him what you planned to do for when he came home and how cole had been crying. He took Cole from you and walked in the other room for you to finish. When you were done he walked in and pretended to be surprised. You laughed and thanked him for taking cole. You both had a good dinner and enjoyed watching tv on the bed after.


You had to go out and go out and get dippers and formula for the babies. It was always hard for you to take the twins shopping by yourself. Zayn was still asleep so you figured to go while he was asleep and be back when he wakes up. You got drake in his car seat with no problem. Miranda on the other hand was a pain to get In her car seat. She started crying and moving her arms so you could not put her In. you tried and tried until Zayn came out to the living room and was worried. You told him you needed to go heap some things from the store. He smiled and took Miranda and drake from you and put them in their beds. He pulled you in for a long kiss and told you he would take care of them while you were gone.


Authors note please read!!!!

I am soooo sorry for not updating in so long it's been months!!! I am going to try and write another one this weekend or Monday and start posting once or twice a week. I'm sorry! I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP!!!! I am all out of ideas so I can't post till you give me some ideas! There are two ways you can let me know 1 put it In the comments at the end if every chapter and way 2 direct message me and we can chat! I really really need your help! so please do those 2 things! Also answer the comment Question at the end of every chapter please!!!


What other chapters should I do?


How can I improve my writing?

Thanks so much for reading and feel free to dm me anytime id love to talk

❤️Court xx

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