He holds the baby

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After holding your daughter for a little while, you looked up at your husband, who was sitting next to you, watching. "Harry? Do you wanna hold her?" you asked. Immediately, Harry's head snapped up and his face lit up. "Really?" he asked. You smiled and nodded, carefully handing her off to Harry, making sure he had a good grip on the newborn. Almost immediately, the baby began to cry. A look of panic crossed Harry's face, instantly thinking it was his fault. How could he possibly be a good father if his son started crying the second he held him? Almost as second nature, Harry began singing to your daughter. Slowly, the crying began to die down. Once the crying stopped, the baby watched Harry intently. Harry smiled up at you, his eyes full of pride. You smiled, and he returned his gaze to the pink swaddle in his arms. He kept singing, walking around the room, bouncing slightly, as the baby slowly drifted from watching his daddy in amazement, to falling asleep.


"Are you okay Y/N? Need anything? When are they coming back? What are they doing with them? Can't I hold them yet?" Louis asked, throwing one question at you after the other. "Lou, calm down. They're just making sure everything is okay, and they'll be back soon," you soothed him, lazily running your hands through his hair to calm him down. "But.. I want to hold them," Louis whined sadly. You chuckled, and soon enough the nurses came back. "Here's your chance," you smiled up at Louis. Gingerly, he took your baby from the nurses and gently bounced her up and down. For a while he didn't say anything, just took in all of her features. "Y/N.. Y/N we're parents.." Louis finally said, looking up at you with his eyes full of happiness. You smiled at him and nodded. He returned his gaze to the baby swaddled in his arms. "Hi there, baby girl.. I'm.. I'm your daddy," Louis cooed to sleeping bundle in his arms as a silent tear of joy slipped down his cheek. You were holding your little boy!


"Do you want to hold her?" you asked your husband, looking up at him from the hospital bed. "Erm.. I don't know," he admitted, not meeting your eyes with his. "Niall? What's wrong?" you asked. He sighed. "What if I do it wrong? What if I hurt her? What if- What if-" he couldn't finish the sentence; he was too scared. "Come here," you said quietly, moving aside on the bed. Niall sat down next to you and you gently handed your newborn into his awaiting arms. "There you go. Look, you're doing it perfectly," you whispered, watching him hold your first baby for the first time. "I- I'm- Hi, baby.. Hi, I'm your daddy.." he cooed, talking to her sweetly, his eyes never leaving her perfect face.


You were holding him as Liam sat on the edge of the hospital bed, watching you two carefully; eyes full of joy. "I can't believe we're parents.." he wondered out loud. You looked up at him and smiled. "I know.. But first you have to hold him," you smiled. Liam's eyes lit up even more. "Really?" he asked, as you giggled tiredly and nodded. Carefully, Liam took your newborn son from you and cradled him in his arms. Liam's eyes wandered the baby's face, taking in every inch of him. "Y/N he's perfect..." Liam whispered, eyes not leaving the sleeping baby's face. "Hi there buddy.. I'm your daddy.. You're so perfect, did you know that?"

Zayn: "

Y/N you look so tired, do you want some sleep?" Zayn asked, sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing the hair off of your face. "I have to see you hold them for the first time though.." you whispered drowsily. "Y/N get some sleep. I promise I won't hold them until you wake up," Zayn whispered. Sleepily, you nodded, and immediately fell asleep. Zayn walked to the other side of the bed where the babies cribs were, and started talking to them. "Hi babies! It's your daddy.. Did you know that you're the most beautiful babied ever?" Zayn continued to talk to them, until he couldn't take it any more. Carefully, he lifted the sleeping baby out of the crib, and started bouncing her slowly in his arms. You woke up, and opened your eyes to see Zayn walking around the room, murmuring sweet things in your baby's ear. Smiling, you fell back asleep, knowing you had the best family in the world.


There is the first chapter comment how you liked it.


What other chapters should I do???

❤️ Court xx

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