They boys meet the baby

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HARRY: Darcy had been born with a full head of brown hair, and Louis had taken it upon himself to pull it up into little pick tails. The boys find this absolutely hilarious and Niall is quick to take pictures and post them to Twitter. "She's gonna be a rockstar for sure," Zayn states. "We should get her a little pink jacket for her first birthday," Liam suggests. "We'll have to get her a little guitar too," Niall adds on. "Think of all the boys she'll get," Harry quotes himself, sending the other guys into a fit of laughter. As the boys continue to plan out your daughters future rock and roll career, you get home from grocery shopping. You enter the room, and when you see you daughters hair, stop dead in your tracks. "I'm glad to see you boys are mature enough to take care of a baby," you say through a small laugh, scooping your baby girl up in your arms to give her a kiss.

LOUIS: After burping Kelsey, you hand her over to Harry. "I need a shower, they needs a bath - do you guys think you can handle giving them one?" Zayn looks panicked as he asks, "Louis will be home with the pizza soon, can't they wait till then?" "I have faith in you boys. There baby shampoo is on the kitchen counter." You retreat to the bathroom leaving the boys to stare at each other and try to figure out what to do next. Liam takes Kelsey from Harry and leads the way into the kitchen. He turns the water on and begins filling the sink with a few inches worth of water. Niall takes the baby from his arms and begins peeling her clothes off, placing her gently into the sink. He remains there to hold her up, claiming his duty and leaving the other boys to do the real work. Harry lathers her up and gets her nice and clean, Liam rinses her off, and Zayn has the towel ready and waiting for when she's done. "We make a pretty good team, lads!" Liam states proudly and Kelsey's eyes light up happily.

NIALL: Zayn is trying his hand at feeding Nicole when she suddenly spits out what was in her mouth. It's dripping down her face and Zayn is silently freaking out - you can tell by the look on his face. Niall grabs a spit cloth and wipes Nicole's face clean. "Are you sure she's your daughter, Niall? She sure doesn't seem to appreciate food the way you do," Harry mentions. Niall laughs and throws a pillow at him. "I think she's about done with that. She needs to be burped now," you tell Zayn. "I can handle this part," Louis says, lifting Nicole out of Zayn's arms and propping the baby up on his shoulder. He begins rubbing and patting her back as Liam gets behind Louis to make faces at Nicole and play with her a bit. You watch on, enjoying the sight of all these grown men around you going completely gaga over a little baby.

LIAM: "My turn, my turn!" Louis says, acting like a child by making grabby hands towards Zayn who's currently holding Cole in his arms. Zayn hands the baby over as Louis begins to coo, "Aww aren't you just the cutest little thing?" Harry reaches over and places his finger in his little hand, which he fastens onto immediately. Niall walks in with a bottle which he'd prepared with the help of Liam. He hands it to Louis who begins feeding him. All is going well until he starts fussing. Louis lifts him a bit, leaning back. "I didn't do it!" he says quickly. "Is he broken?" Harry asks. You laugh as Liam picks your son up out of Louis' arms and tries to soothe him.

ZAYN: Drake lets out a fart that's big enough to have come out of a grown man. The boys all find this hilarious and Harry comments, "He sounds like his Uncle Niall." As the smell lingers, you all begin to realize that more than just air came out of that little bum. "Somebody needs a diaper change," Louis singsongs. "Liam, would you like to do the honors?" Niall asks, not wanting to be the one stuck with such a task. "Why me?!" "Well, they don't call you Daddy Direction for nothing," Harry explains. Liam sighs, giving in. He grabs the necessities as Niall lays Drake down on the couch. Liam opens the diaper and the four boys simultaneously make a disgusted "eww" sound. After fumbling for a few minutes, Liam manages to get Drake cleaned up and into a fresh diaper. You and Zayn return with Miranda to the room to see your son in the twisted up diaper, and laugh warmly at your friends' attempts to help you.


Hi guys I'm soooooo sorry I have not updated in so long please forgive me!


What other chapters should I do?


❤️ court xx

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