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Josie had tried multiple times to apologise, but I wasn't having it. You don't just drop your friends for dick, an apparently not good dick. After Seth dropped me off last night, I couldn't sleep. He was filling my mind. I had seen him around before, but never talked to him. I guess you could call him a crush. But I knew I wasn't pretty enough for any of the boys here, so I never tried.

I had curled, straightened, and styled so many peoples hair for this stupid party. One of the girls had hired out some venue or hall or something. The whole roster was going, which meant me standing in a corner. I pulled myself into the shower, letting the water massage my back. I didn't really want to go to this party, I wanted to lay in bed and watch tv or read something.

I held the towel tight around my body as I stared at myself in the mirror. After doing everyone else's hair, I realised I had to do my own. I never did much with my hair, I always left it straight, I hated having it up. I brushed my platinum blonde strands, running the straightener over.

Josie and I shared a hotel room, not that she had being back. She was always making me but dresses and short skirts. I rifled though my suit case, trying to find something that you could wear to a party. I settled on a red satin dress, with simple spaghetti straps and a hem that ended mid thigh. It was much shorter than what I was use too.

Make up was always Josie's department, and I had no idea what I was doing. I did my best to mix the brown and gold eyeshadow together, and attempted wing eyeliner. They weren't exactly even, but looked close enough. I struggled trying to glue the false eyelashes on, nearly giving up. I was trying to remember the order that Josie did make up. I did the foundation, bronzer, power, and highlighter and hoped I got it right. She had also forced me to buy many pairs of heels. As I slipped on the back heels and tied up the laces, she walked though the door.

She looked around, not expecting me to be here. "Hey" she said sheepishly.

I nodded and stood, finding my perfume. "You look nice" she said as I sprayed the Guess scent. "Who are you trying to impress" she joked.

Was I trying to impress anyone? Was I trying to impress Seth? I grabbed a tube of lipstick, putting it on before sticking it in my bag.

"How are you getting to the party?" She asked as she came out of the bathroom. She had changed into a short pink dress.

I went to reply but was cut off my knocking at the door. I opened the door to reveal the guy that came in after Roman yesterday.

"Dean?" Josie said, shocked.

Dean paid no attention to her. "You ready? I'm taking you to the party" he said, leaning against the door frame.

"Yeah" I mumbled quietly. I grabbed my bag and made sure my key card was in it before walking out the door.

"Does she always know everyone?" Dean asked as we stood in the elevator.

I nodded, "even if she doesn't she pretends she does." Josie and were complete opposites.

"How are we getting to the party?" I asked as we walked through the hotel lobby.

"Uber" he replied simply.

We arrived at the hall where the party was, and the music could be heard down the street. I followed Dean inside, seeing many people whose hair I had styled. Dean wandered off somewhere and I found myself sitting in the corner scrolling through my social media. I tired to laugh as people fell over, pulling others with them.

I don't know how long I had been sitting here before, but it must have being a while as a drunk Josie stumbled into my view. She screamed as she held on to Dolph, laughing as she drank so more. I'm not even sure how we became friends. I pulled myself out of the corner, heading to the table that was full of drinks. I mixed the vodka and orange juice, hoping it might make me a little happier.

"Having fun?" Seth walked up to me, leaning against the table smirking at me.

I shrugged and didn't bother to smile, I didn't want to be here.

"You look nice" he said, making me look at him. "Really nice Chels" he said again. "Beautiful." I blushed and looked down at the half drank drink.

"She really is a bit of a whore isn't she?" I followed where Seth was looking to see Josie all over another guy whilst Dolph wasn't there.

"Yeah" I mumbled, still feeling hurt from yesterday.

"Everyone's hair looks great"

I laughed at him, "Well it doesn't now." Hair that was one curled was knotty, and straight hair was now frizzy.

"If you ever need to talk Chels" he said seriously, "I'm here."

Before I could respond the music was cut off and someone stood on the table. "Let's play truth or dare!" She screamed, nearly falling off the table. Everyone cheered, but me and followed her into the middle, making a circle.

"Come on" Seth pulled on my arm, pulling me towards the circle.

"No Seth" I begged. I hated games, especially drinking games.

Everyone looked drunk but me, and I guess Seth.

"Roman" the same girl yelled. "Truth or dare?" Roman looked confused as to how he got into this.

"Dare" Dean responded for him. Seth laughed as Roman shot Dean a glare.

"Take your shirt off!" She yelled, spilling her drink. He sighed but pulled the shirt over his head.

"Nattie truth or dare?" Finn asked her.

"Dare" she replied with a shake of her head.

"Text TJ and tell him he had he most beautiful penis you gave ever seen" Nattie looked at Finn and rolled her eyes before texting her husband.


I looked over at Josie who clung onto Dolph's shoulder. "Truth or dare?"

"Dare!" Dean yelled out with a smirk, winking at me. If I could wrestle, I'd punch him.

Dolph whispered in her ear before she nodded, smirking.

"Kiss Seth."

My mouth dropped in shock, why would she did this? Everyone's eyes were on me and I felt like I was going to faint.

"Do it Chelsea!" Dolph yelled.

I felt fingers touch my arm, pulling me closer. I looked up at Seth who had a smirk on his face. His hand held he side of my face, leaning in so no one could see us talking.

"I promise I'll be gentle" he winked before lowering his arm and kissing me. I nervously put my hands around my neck, trying to make it look like I knew what I was doing. I saw a flash go off before we pulled away. Seth licked his lips, tasting my lipgloss.

"Strawberry" he chuckled, letting go of me. My cheeks were read and I felt more faint than ever. I stood up, pulling my dress down and quickly walking out of the room.

"Chelsea come back!" I heard Josie yell but I walked out the door. I realised I didn't have my phone on me, only my bag, who had my phone? I remember Seth taking it whilst we were talking, but I don't remember him giving it back to me.

I got into a taxi, giving the directions to hotel so I could forget this all happened.

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