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The past few days have been quiet. No Seth or Colby to get me drunk, and no Josie to treat me like shit. Since arriving home Thursday, I've missed him. I was beginning to like him when he would never like me back. When at home, I didn't do much. I mostly practised hair. I have multiple mannequin heads, practising and creating new styles. When in high school, I didn't really know why I didn't want to do. I knew I didn't want to go to uni, studying wasn't my thing. As soon as I graduated I got a job in a salon as an assistant, the salon paying for me to attend beauty school. They were sad when I left for my internship with WWE, but I told Jen I'd be back if things didn't work out.

I enjoyed styling along with creating hair styles. I had a shopping addiction, and offend spent my weekends at the mall. I didn't own designer clothes, the most expensive item I owned was a Chanel bag I bought an an op shop for $30. I quite often shopped at op shops, much to Josie's disgust.

On Saturday I packed my bag. I hated not being organised. I panicked if I left things to the last minute. I packed multiple outfits. I liked to wear comfortable clothes on the plane and on the road. Monday morning all I had to do was put my toothbrush, make up and hair brush in, which is what I did today. I wore dressy trackies and a white tee shirt as I drove to the airport. I lived in a small apartment in the heart of Vegas. Despite not talking, Josie and I were still sharing a rental car and hotel room. Josie lived in New York, the both of us having to meet in Kansas City. I had an early morning flight, leaving early due to traffic. I arrived at the airport half asleep, I actually might sleep on the plane for once. I sat down in the departure lounge, leaning my head back as I closed my eyes.

"Don't you work for WWE?" I opened my eyes and sat up. A girl stood in front of me, the type I rolled my eyes at in high school.

"Sure do" I replied, unsure of what she wanted.

"What is it you do?" She asked, looking at me.

"I'm a stylist" I replied.

"Oh well I just saw you on total divas and saw you the bar with Seth" I nodded and pretended I knew what she was in about. I didn't know I was on total divas or that Colby and I were on camera. As she was about to say something else, my flight was called.

"Well that's me" I smiled, standing and walking away before she could say anything else. I didn't like attention. Walking through the gate I was wondering what was televised. Did thy show him and I leaving together?

I was thankful that no one else was sitting beside me. I went to sleep soon after take off, tired after the past week. I was woken up just before landing, Kansas City coming into my view. I smiled as I realised I would get to see Colby.

I took my time waking to the terminal after we landed. I was in no rush to see Josie. I found my way to baggage claim, avoiding people waiting to see superstars. I wondered if Colby was here already? I stood with a bunch of other people from my flight, waiting for the bags.

Josie texted me said that she was waiting outside just as my bag came out. I grabbed it and began to walk through all the people. Josie was standing outside on her own, surprisingly. She smiled as she saw me, holding up the keys to the rental car.

"Ready?" She asked and I nodded. As we crossed the road I saw Colby getting into is rental. He smirked when he saw me, standing by the car as I walked past. I blushed and looked down, looking back when I had passed him. He was still smirking.

"What's up with you and Rollins?" Josie asked as she unlocked the car.

"Nothing" I shrugged, putting my bag in the boot.

"You two have become friends all of sudden" she said as she got in. I gave her a funny look as I got in the passenger seat. "What?" She asked, starting the car.

"You don't remember?" I couldn't believe her.

"No, why?" She looked at me as she drove.

"You don't remember making me kiss Seth during truth or dare? Or ditching me at the arena for Dolph?" I laughed, sitting back.

She didn't say anything, just mumbled something I couldn't hear. We didn't speak the wrest of the way to the arena. She yelled at the Kansas City traffic as we were going to be late.

I was first out of the car when we got to the arena, grabbing my bag and walking in. I didn't wait for her, she could sort herself out. A lot of people smiled at me as I walked in. More people knew me now after last week. I found my way to my station, seeing it was next to the men's locker room. After I set up, my first client was Nattie.

"Heard you had fun with Seth" she smirked, walking in.

I shook my head, "nope, he just took me back to the hotel" I said, brushing her hair.

"And had breakfast together."

I shrugged, "so?"

Nattie laughed at me as I continued to style her hair. "Whatever you say Chels."

"What do you mean?" I asked, putting the hair sprays down and looking at her in the mirror.

"It's obvious you like him" she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't" I mumbled.

"So why do you blush every time you see him?" She smirked as I had no reason. I finished Nattie's hair and she left me without mentioning Colby again.

I was finishing Alexa's curls when Josie walked in. "Hey Jose" Alexa smiled.

"Did you hear lex?" Josie said, sitting in the chair next to her. "Chels here went back to the hotel with Seth."

I glared at her and continued curdling. "Nothing happened" I muttered.

"And they had breakfast together" Josie added.
Alexa raised her eyebrow at me and I shrugged.

"Oh Seth, fuck me" Josie gasped in a high pitch voice. I gave her an 'are you crazy' look. "Oh Seth, pull my hair." Alexa laughed as Josie continued.

"Can you shut up?" I whispered, "the men's locker room is right there" I pointed next door, "he could hear you."

They giggled, "that's the point Chels" Josie shook her head, leaving to go back to her own station.

"You're done Lex" I said, spraying her last curl.

"Thanks babe" she smiled, stopping when she got to the door. She didn't say anything just smirked at me before leaving.

I shook my head and began to clean up. I hope Colby didn't hear. I put away different products, turning off curlers.

"So" his voice came from the doorway. "You want me to pull your hair?"

My cheeks turned red and I turned around to see him leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed.

"It can be arranged" he smirked, waking in. "You know you could have just told me" he said, putting his hands on my waist. "Do you want me to kiss you?" He whispered, his lips nearly touching mine.

I went to reply but Dean stood in the doorway, "we're up Rollins" he smirked.

"How about a date, tonight?" He whispered, kissing my neck.

"Yes" I whispered out.

"I'll see you later" he smirked.

Oh god.

The Architect and Me // Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now