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Some people after a night of drinking, wake up and can't move because they're head hurts too much. Any sound or movement is painful. Some wake up and realise the events of last night they plastered on their snapchat like a vlogger or influencer. Then there's the others. Those that wake up and wonder what the hell they did. That was me. I woke up and I wasn't in my hotel room. I wasn't wearing my clothes, I was wearing a black tee shirt.

"Where am I" I mumbled, sitting up.

"You're in my hotel room"

I jumped as Seth stood in front of the bed. He was shirtless and sweaty, he has just got back from the gym.

"Breakfast?" He asked, picking up clothes and walking to the bathroom.

"Yeah" I mumbled, not sure what happened last night.

"I'll have a shower, I'll be 5" he winked.

Did I sleep with Seth?

Did I loose my virginity, drunk?

I pulled myself out of the bed, searching for my clothes but I couldn't find them. My make up hasn't smudged, and my hair still looked good, surprisingly. The shower turned off and the door opened.

"You can wear these my with shirt" Seth handed me a pair of short shorts, but I wasn't paying attention. The towel hung low on his hips, water falling down his v line.



"Shorts" he looked at me, smirking.

"Right" I took the shorts and moved away, waiting for Seth to close the door. He didn't. He kept it open and changed. I pulled the shorts up my legs and looked for my phone. I had never gotten so drunk before, I don't think I've ever gotten drunk. I found my phone on the bedside table with multiple messages from Josie.

Where are you?
Are you going out?
You're not in the hotel room
Where are you chelsea?
Are you at the club?
Someone said they saw you with Seth?
Is Seth paying for your drinks?!
I'm behind you...
did you leave?
Wait, you left with Seth?

From ditching me to caring.

Seth was waiting for me, hotel door open. He raised an eyebrow as he waited for me. I sighed and followed him to the elevator.

"You know I like drunk Chelsea" he said as he pressed the button.

"Oh yeah?" I asked as the doors closed.

"Yeah you're confident" he smirked at me, "really confident."

I blushed and looked down. I still didn't know what I did last night. The doors opened and Seth lead me towards the restaurant. Some wrestlers scattered throughout, some hungover some not.

"Table for two" Seth said as we walked in. I followed him to a table in the back, customers judging my appearance. Seth's shirt looked like a dress, you couldn't see the shorts underneath and I was wearing last nights heels. I picked the menu up and hid my face.

"Are you ready to order?" A waiter asked, making me drop my menu.

"Yes we'll have two eggs and bacon breakfasts, a large cappuccino and a large caramel latte" Seth ordered, making my mouth drop. The waiter nodded and walked away, Seth shrugging at me.

"You can't order for me Seth" I whispered.

Seth leant forward. "Are you arguing with me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I shook my head and started to read the menu to find what I would have read.

I knew Seth was watching me, but I didn't look up. I didn't even know how much I drank last night.

"Are you going to ask about last night?" He asked with a smirk. I dropped the menu as the waiter returned with our drinks. My hand wrapped around the mug, eyeing the coffee.

"What happened?" I whispered. I was worried that I slept with Seth, that's not how it's suppose to be.

"You were really drunk" he said with a smirk, drinking his drink. "I saw you at the club, added your drinks to my tab, I didn't think you would get that drunk."

I sighed as he told me what happened, this is why I don't drink.

"I saw you dancing and I half to say, when I saw you dancing I was surprised." The waiter returned with our food, stopping Seth from embarrassing me. The plate was full and I wouldn't eat half of it.

"You should dance like that more often." I blushed and cut up the egg and bacon, separating the toast. "I found you at the bar when you were doing shots, you did six, most of them at once" I winced.

"After you started dancing on me I lead you out of the club where you spewed."

I nearly chocked on my food.

"You asked me if I would fuck you Chels."

My eyes went wide.

"Is that something you want?" He smirked, eyeing me.

I couldn't say anything, just look down and hope I wasn't red. I had ever said anything like that, or wanted too.

"I mean if you want too" he said, making me look up. "I'd be up for it."

I spent the rest of breakfast red, trying to ignore Seth's smirk. When I got back to my hotel room, Josie was sitting on the bed.

"Where have you been?" Josie yelled as I walked in.

So now she cares?

"Out" I said, grabbing some clothes from my bag. I wasn't in the mood for her, she didn't care about me before.

"Out? And whose clothes are those?"

I shrugged and headed to the bathroom to get changed. I didn't plan on talking to her, just getting my bag and heading for the airport. I changed into a pair of trackies and cropped tee shirt, comfortable for the plane. I retouched my make up before walking out of the bathroom, where Josie was still waiting.

"You're not going to tell me?" She asked, staring at me.

I shrugged and packed my bag, grabbing my phone as I vibrated.

I'm outside your hotel room, I'll take you to the airport
- Colby

I frowned at the name, who was Colby? I put some shoes on and threw my key card next to Josie.

"See you next week" I said picking up my bag.

"Wait, how are you getting to the airport?"

"A friend" I said, opening the door. Seth stood outside the door, smirking as he waited.


"Ready" I smiled.

We laughed about events backstage on the way to airport, being with Seth felt normal. Seth stopped for photos as we walked through the airport.

"Whose Colby?" I asked as we walked towards check in.

"It's my real name" he smiled, wrapping his arm around me. "Where are you heading?"
He asked as we got to check in.

"Vegas" I smiled up at him.

"Well I'll see you at raw?" He asked leaning down.

"Yeah" I whispered.

His lips kissed the corner of my mouth, he leant back smirking. "See you next week Chels."

Seth Rollins nearly kissed me.

The Architect and Me // Seth RollinsWhere stories live. Discover now