Araby Part 2

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(A/N): And here's my sequel, enjoy the work of an anxious child!

     All is dark. The night, the streets, and the following shade of my shadow. What gives me light is the moon, the stars and the flickering feeble lights that the street lamps are giving me, though I didn't need the small light, my eyes can handle the darkness, a night vision, like a cat. I kept my footsteps hefty as if the ground would shake, and what I see in the route I'm going are obstacles such as signboards, benches, chairs and small tables from the small restaurants and cafés, and I would try to knock them off even though my strength cannot be compared.
Well, I tried my best to make a mess.

The place is starting to get cold, I rubbed my shoulders and felt warmth, but I realized I was producing heat without friction. Half of my body and blood has been soaked with rage; it is as well boiling at its highest point. I was disappointed, it was my only chance to meet Mangan's sister, my only chance to know her, to talk her with a gratified attitude, and to get close to her, even though it was just a girl whom I loved recently, nothing beats the dysphoric state inside my chest. I looked up the moon, having a glimpse of her brown gems, her eyes. They sparkle so lovely, it was cozy to see, but I had a vision of myself in her deep brown eyes, dissatisfaction.

Now, to explain the disappointment, it is my uncle. Yes, I understood that he's my uncle that had forgotten to give me extra money, but it was also my fault for asking the wrong person.

I was lucky that I had reached the time of the train's departure, if I think too deep and didn't cared about the world, I would probably be left out and wait in the early morning to ride the train again.

Transformation was quick because only a countable people have ridden the train and it was night, so we were only less. As I laid my foot into the front porch, I tried my best to keep a neutral, calm, and a nonchalant face, one that cannot be read. Because if I didn't, uncle might ask me, and might analyze the truth to get the cat out off the bag.

I tried to open the door not as sneakily as it sounded and not as angrily as it sounded.

I looked around the house as I went inside. The lights were on, except it was dim. It was a sign that uncle is still awake. Again, I tried to keep my neutral self as possible.

"Uncle?" I called out.

"Boy! Where have you been? It's already dark outside." Uncle shouted from the kitchen as I went for it. "I'm sorry, I was just getting some night air, perhaps, I would like to know that why are you in the kitchen?" I asked.
I guess that uncle is sneaking for food in the fridge, as uncle was very big, and while I was a little skinny.

"Well, there's a new game show and a drama show tonight, I'd like to see how it is. Everyone in the town has been talking about it recently. I might as well add it on my list." Uncle said nodding, while sipping his cup of tea. Our kitchen has a small television, mostly used as an entertainment for a guest as they eat.
I didn't know what to say next, so I might as well get under the covers and read a book to get things off, like my angriness that is slowly fading.

"I see, I might as well go up now. Goodnight, uncle."
"Goodnight, boy." he then nodded. The stairs slightly creaked as I continued going up. The house was quiet, comfortable after all with the dim light on. As I reached for my bedroom, I took off my hat, placed it on a desk and had a quick shower.

I slipped into my pajamas and buttoned it. I turned on the lamp beside my bed that was in a desk along with my hat and turned the lights off. I pulled out an old book with a slightly damaged spine and pages that is starting to fall apart from its spine.

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