Araby Part 3

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(A/N): Here's the second sequel!

Tap. Tap. Tap. The same old continuous noise of a horse's solid foot hits the ground. Rachel has her head slightly out of the carriage window and I, on the other hand, examining my cousin. I knew that Rachel is fantasizing Arthur as he rode my bicycle slowly to have a connected pace with the horse carriage. Arthur's ginger hair has changed into its form and was being ruffled by the wind, Rachel smiled at the scene and she didn't even notice that I've been staring at her.

"Rachel," I tapped her shoulder. "Yes?" Rachel said, without stopping her gaze from Arthur. I shrugged; even talking to my very own female cousin didn't share just a bit of a glance to me. "Do you really adore Arthur?" I finally asked. Rachel again didn't care to give me a look, but she nodded anyway. "But you've only met him just a while ago."

Rachel finally motioned to me, giving me a look that I don't like. "We're in the same batch, James. I know him, but it is just that this is the only time I finally have the confidence. And that's a thank you for fainting."

I narrowed my eyes at my cousin who is currently giggling. "Alright then, you are welcome." I said, sardonically not approving Rachel's feelings towards Arthur.

It was Saturday, and it has been three days since I had fainted, and when we got home, grandpa and grandma had finally come, but grandpa is slightly feeling hot until now I'm sure. But now what bothers me most is that Arthur has been visiting our uncle's house. I woke up in the past few minutes, staring at the ceiling as I heard Rachel talking to Arthur downstairs. I wanted to sleep more because I had exchanged my hours of sleep into reading books, but I couldn't sleep. I've been hearing a lot of exchanges such as laughing, giggling, horrible jokes, and Rachel's snorts.

I know my eyeballs had a few red lines around my pupils. My eyes felt sore when I closed it, as if my eyes will be out of their sockets and dangle down my cheeks. Finally I stood up, still sitting in my bed. I suddenly felt a migraine in my head, so I held onto it immediately. I wonder why is it that I have been having migraines when I met Arthur days ago, but my migraine now had made sense, I woke up in the afternoon, and I overslept which is the result of my aching head.

Me and Mangan have been communicating in school, and Mangan had invited me to the bazaar today, and since I haven't touched my money, I'm willing to go. It is also an advantage to get my presence off of Arthur.

I took a bath and wore a long sleeved polo. I set my foot downstairs while buttoning my attire. I heard Rachel's giggles as I slowed my pace down, then I heard her voice getting nearer, after that her whole body popped into my view, with her smile crept up to her cheeks. I haven't seen Rachel this happy, and it seems to be that she does enjoy Arthur's company. Her smile, it was marvelous and unbreakable. "Good morni- oops. Good afternoon, James. Seems like you're going somewhere? You're not eating breakfast?"

I nodded and placed my hat above my head. "Yes, and I'm afraid not, Mangan invited me to go to the bazaar today." I examined Rachel's face, her face still in that unbreakable smile.
"Oh my, what a coincidence, me and Arthur were planning to go there, too. C'mon, let's go." My face went automatically frowning, and I had to do something. "Arthur?" I hissed, "Why are you two going? Who's going to guard the house?" Rachel shrugged. "Mom is watching television, and dad is having a break, besides I've already asked." she whispered.

I shook my head and went for the door, ignoring Rachel's snorts as she went back to the living room with Arthur. The leaves of the trees are slowly turning into a mixture of yellow, orange and brown or even some are separated. The leaves are slowly gliding down the streets, making a mess, but made it more soothing just to make someone at ease. I stepped my foot on the front porch of Mangan's house and rang a doorbell. Mangan's house was red like an old brick and stood still until Mangan's room, the second floor. Mangan has been living here for nearly six years, and I was glad that I had stolen him from other people, and to my surprise, he told me he was glad that he chose my path, but I never told him I was glad as well, I'm sure he already knew because his becoming to take form the imagery of almost a brother of mine. And I wish I was, too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2019 ⏰

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