Troublemakers - Chapter 2

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Wildcat's POV;
I was still surprised Y/N had stuck up for me like that.
No one has done that.. ever.
The guys just constantly pick on me, but they never hit me.
In fact, Smii7y and Brock were the only ones who didn't say something rude to me.
The whole group was sitting down on the couch.
Well, except Bryce.
Y/N stayed close to me, not leaving my side.
Everytime Bryce would come downstairs, she'd shoot a glare at him.
"So, how are you and Ty getting along?"
Delirious asked Y/N.
He was hanging over the edge of the couch, his elbow in my face, blocking my view of Y/N.
I was slightly jealous.
Just a bit.
I thought.
Y/N nudged me a small bit.
"Good. I like him alot. I think Wildcat, you, and Smii7y are my favorites so far."
There was an awe from somewhere next to her.
"And Brian.. and Nogla. I like everyone except Bryce Mcdouche bag."
She huffed the last part.
Delirious chuckled and I smiled.
I really liked Y/N.
But it looks like Delirious does too..

Y/n's POV:
Everyone, except Bryce, talked and laughed for a couple hours, until Delirious left for upstairs suddenly.
Hm. Odd.
"So, Y/N, you like Del, huh?"
Nogla's voice asked suddenly.
"What? No! Who told you that?"
I asked back, surprised.
Nogla chuckled.
"A little birdie told me."

I looked at Lui, wrapping my arm around his neck. I pulled him gently forward and ruffled his hair.
He squeaked, giggling.
"I think you mean little monkey!"
I smiled,  letting go.
"It's kinda obvious, Y/N."
Smii7y chuckled.
"I don't.  I don't like anyone."
I huffed playfully.
"Uh-Huh, suure.."
Brian smiled.
"Brian, I swear to god,  I know where you sleep at night-"

{ time skip }

Delirious's POV:
I sighed,  staring at the water.
The woods behind me were where I found Y/N..  or,  well,  she found me.
I started thinking, kicking my feet over the side of the cliff.
I need this more than just another damn one night stand..
I need her to hold my hand.
Times like this call for true romance, but I don't think she's ready for that.

At this point, I began talking out loud without realizing it.
"She gets me down, then gets me high. Oh,  I don't know why she's just my type.."

I flinched a bit as someone grabbed ahold of my hood,  yanking me to my feet.
"What the hell?!"
I spun around.
Brian was standing there,  a worried look on his face.
"We need to get back to the house. Now."
He panted.
"What? Why?"
I questioned.
"Something with Y/N and Lui. Vanoss wants us all back at the house."
He blinked.
I ran past him.
He followed.

As we bursted through the door, Evan was standing in the middle of a questioning group.
"What happened?"
Tyler asked loudly.
"All of you,  shut the fuck up and I'll explain!"
Even he sounds scared.
"Lui told Nogla that him and Y/N were both planning on robbing Cory. Lui must've found the plans and stole them."
Vanoss sighed.
"So what? Are we going to Cory's house? We're unprepared! And it's dangerous!"
Bryce hollered.
"If they went unprepared, we are too.  Everyone,  grab what you need and get to the van!"
He yelled.
Everyone scattered.

Y/N's POV;
Me and Lui were both tied back-to-back, the 'Cory' guy standing above us.
"I'm going to ask again,  who the hell do you work for?!"
He snarled.
"I'm going to tell you again,"
I began to spit back,  narrowing my eyes.
"You stabbed monkey boy. Twice. I'm not telling you shit!"
Lui whined behind me,  in obvious pain.
We both were.
He got stabbed and beaten up, and I got stabbed as well, three times though, and beat up the same.
Cory kicked me harshly in the side,  walking around to Lui.
I swear to god,  if he lays another hand on him..
I thought, struggling to see behind me.
"Monkey boy,  who do you two work for?"
He asked.
Lui froze.
Don't give in,  Lui..
I closed my eyes,  praying.
"Tell me, or your little friend over here gets shot in the shoulder."
He smirked,  pulling a gun off his belt,  twirling it in the air.
I nudged Lui with my elbow.
He turned to me, his eyes widened in fear.
I breathed in,  nodding, signalling it was okay for him not to say anything.
'Are you sure?'
His eyes seemed to tell.
I nodded.
He turned back, sighing.
"I won't tell you."
He growled.
"Heh, just more fun for me."
Cory chuckled, walking back to me.
He took quite a few steps back,  aiming at the back of my right shoulder.
"I'm so sorry,  Y/N.."
Lui whispered.
"Don't be. I wanted this. If it keeps the group, and you,  safe,  then let it be."
I smiled weakly.
If my wounds were still bleeding,  I couldn't image how bad Lui's were. He struggled when he got stabbed, the knife twisting in his skin.
I shuddered at the thought of how that must've felt.
"Ready,  girly?"
He asked.
I narrowed my eyes.
"Ready, fuckface."
I retorted back.
I felt Lui flinch as the gun shot ran out.
Pain flooded through the right side of my body, feeling blood drip down my shirt,  my arm,  and puddle on the floor next to Lui's back.
I clenched my teeth together,  closing my eyes as I held back a scream.
Tears started dripping down my face at the sting.
Stop. You can't look weak.
I breathed in, opening my eyes,  the pain still horrible, my ears ringing.
I didn't realize the door behind Cory had busted open.
Me and Lui stared in shock as Mini and Brian were the first two to run in.
Brian aimed his gun at him, Mini clutching a large knife in his hands.
Soon some of the others pooled in as well.
My mind starting racing,  until another gunshot ran out.
Cory dropped down onto the floor.
Everyone looked confused,  turning their heads to where it came from.
Wildcat stood in the back, gun smoking, with fear in his eyes.
"Wildcat,  what the fuck?!"
Bryce yelled.
Evan hushed him.
"Brian,  Brock,  go untie the idiots."
He huffed.
The pair hurried over.
Brian untied me first,  Brock fumbling with the knots on Lui.
Brian smiled at me.
"What were you thinking?"
He chuckled.
I shrugged,  immediately regretting it.
I winced in pain.
His eyes widened.
"Y/N, go to the van. Delirious and Smitty will take care of your wounds. You too,  Lui."
He ordered.
We both stood.
I leaned sideways a bit,  my right side still numb from the shock.
Lui held onto my arm as we walked out and towards the van. Delirious stared at me as I sat down next to him, resting my left side against the inside of the van.
"Y/N, what the actual fuck were you two thinking!?"
He hollered.
"Calm down. All that matters is that they're okay now. Go fix up N/N. I have Monkey Man over here."
Smii7y huffed.
"Whatever. Where were you hurt at?"
Delirious asked me.
"Well,  I was stabbed in my right thigh, my right arm,  my left wrist, and I was shot in the right shoulder."
I said calmly,  although the pain was almost unbearable.
I noticed his blue eyes widen.
"You were shot?"
He asked,  panic obvious in his voice now.
I sighed.
"I'll have to take the bullet out,  first things. Turn your back towards me."
He ordered.
I obeyed, turning.
"Don't freak out,  but I'm going to have to take your shirt off,  okay?"
Delirious said.
I paused, nodding.
Well,  duh.
He quickly lifted my shirt off.
Then I remember..
Oh fuck. I ruined Wildcat's shirt!
All my clothes were in the washer,  so I had to borrow someone else's, and he was the first person I met in the hall.
I hope he isn't too upset.
It was his favorite shirt after all.
I felt my face heat up.
"This is gonna hurt,  so don't move,  okay."
Delirious sighed in annoyance.
I flinched a bit as he put his hands on my back.
"What? I didn't do anything yet."
He asked.
"Your hands are cold as fuck!"
I exclaimed.
"Guess I'm cold blooded. You handled a gunshot wounded for this long,  I don't think you should be whining. Now shut up and let me do what I need to do."
He growled, but I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Yes,  sir."
I rolled my eyes.
I stiffened as I felt something sharp poke around in the wound.
Heat started coming back,  making me whimper a bit.
It suddenly went away.
"There.  It wasn't that bad,  was it,  kitty?"
He asked,  chuckling.
"I guess not."
I nudged him in the stomach with my elbow.
"Now,  hold still so I can patch up everything else.."

Oh god,  what is Evan going to say to us?

woWIe this is a mess of a chapter-

Soft Squeaks (  2P Wildcat x Reader x 2p Delirious x Ohmwrecker )Where stories live. Discover now