; i just came here for the drugs.

110 3 2

( the Del route )
Ryan's PoV:
I stared at Jaren, my face heating up.
"I'll be back."
Y/N said, smiling as she ruffled my hair.
She got off me, fixing her hoodie and her hair as she walked downstairs.
Jaren smirked teasingly as I sat up, using one of Y/N's pillows to cover my lap.

Your PoV;
I walked back downstairs.
The party hadn't calmed down while I was gone.
Infact, there seemed to be even more people than when it started.
Anthony and John were playing Uno at the table with Jaren and Delirious.
Evan was still supervising the chaos.
Lui and David were watching Friends on the TV.
Tyler was in the corner with the speaker.
I smiled at him as I walked past him.
He waved back, smiling.
I walked over to Jonathan, tapping his shoulder.
"Oh, you were just the one I wanted to talk to."
He said as he stood, gently grabbing my hand.
He guided me towards the basement.
As we entered the dimly lit room, my vision blurred as my eyes tried to adjust.
"I, uh, I needed to tell you something that's been bothering me for quite a while.."
He sighed as he sat down on Brian's metal table.
I leaned against the wall, raising an eyebrow.
"I, ah..fuck it. I love you, Y/N. I did from the moment I met you."
He scratched the back of his head.
I practically froze.
He must've seen my expression.
"Oh- shit. It's not like, I'm asking you to go out with me. I know that'd be weird, since we don't really know each other and all. I just needed to get it off my chest, and David told me it'd be the best to just tell you, and.."
He sighed in frustration.
"It's fine, Jonathan. I understand. I... Don't really know how I feel. Like you said, I just don't really know you. Though I'd like to get to know you better.."
I trailed off. I couldn't really think right now. My head was still spinning.
Jonathan seemed to smile, though I couldn't tell.
I could see his eyes scrunch up a bit, so I assumed he was smiling.
He hopped off the table, ruffling my hair with a small chuckle.
"Why don't me start with the knowing better thing. Can I show you something?"
He asked.
I nodded, smiling softly.
"Just- don't tell anyone, okay? I'm trusting you with this."
He said as he reached behind his head, clipping his mask off.
He fixed his hair, his brown hair flopping over his right eye.
He had multiple scars scattered across his face.
The most noticable one was a long one that cut from the top of his forehead, all the way down across his eye to the bottom of his chin on the right side.
Jonathan had a small smile on his face.
I reached a hand up, tracing the longest one gently with my fingers.
His cheeks tinted pink.
It was cute.
"You look beautiful."
I breathed out.
He chuckled.
He said as he put his mask back on.
"Eh.. that's the first time I've ever heard someone say that to me."
He said.
"Well, they're lying if they think overwise."
I said back, giving him a small wink.
He lightly bonked me on the side of the head.
"C'mon dork, let's get back."
He said.
I followed him back out.
Ryan was on the couch, Jaren practically force feeding him a piece of bread and a glass of water.
Jonathan disappeared.
I glanced over as John was alone near the door, looking bored.
I walked over.
"Hey, idiot."
I said, smiling.
He smirked, nodding.
"What's up, bitch?"
He asked back.
"You here to see your boyfriend?"
I asked.
He shook his head.
"Nah, I just came here for the drugs."
He said.
I blinked.
I.. did not know this.
"Ah- makes sense. Well, you have fun doing whatever you're doing."
I said as I turned.
"You too."
He nodded.
I walked over to Ryan as Jared left, sitting down next to him.
His face immediately tinted pink.
"Y/N, I'm so sorry for what I did upstairs. We barely know eachother, and-"
He began to apologise.
"It's fine, Ryan. I'm sorry, too."
I said, patting his head.
He nodded, smiling.
Evan suddenly kicked open the door.
"Emergency Meeting!"
He yelled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2020 ⏰

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Soft Squeaks (  2P Wildcat x Reader x 2p Delirious x Ohmwrecker )Where stories live. Discover now