Volume 3

114 10 2

Katsuki stood in front of the UA auditorium, nervously picking at the straps of his backpack, playing with the seam flaps. He stayed in place by the gate, admiring the famous H-shaped building. In less than ten minutes I'll be taking the entrance exam. He thought to himself, letting out a breath. Except I never really got to test out All Might's power. He immediately took me home and the hag made me clean up and go to bed. Then I woke up and got ready. Hopefully it wont be too quirk dependent...

"KACCHAN!" The ash blond whipped around at the mention of his nickname, knowing exactly who had called out to him. The greenette waved out to him as he ran through the gates, a large grin splayed across his freckled face.

Katsuki felt the need to just walk on, thinking of his outburst from earlier in the morning. He wanted to move, but his legs just wouldn't budge. Midoriya ran up to his side, smiling widely. "Morning, Kacchan!" He properly greeted.

"Hey." Katsuki grunted lowly as he began to walk forward.

The green haired teen's smile faded slightly as he lost contact. "So, um... A-about this morning..."

"Don't worry 'bout it, shit face. I was just," He paused for a minute. "Tired. I guess. And you were looking out for me."

"O-oh... Um... So, you ready then?" Katsuki clapped a heavy hand onto his friend's back, smirking as he almost fell over.

"Hells yeah. Are you ready, dipshit?"

Midoriya fist pumped the air, a brighter grin spreading. "Yeah! Let's beat this, got it Kacc-AH!" The greenette tripped on a crack in the pavement, Katsuki watching him fall with a small snicker. And then he wasn't falling. A bubbly girl stood to the side, a worried look in her eyes.

"Are you okay!?" Midoriya just floated there, speechless. The bubbly girl aggressively hit Katsuki on the shoulder, visibly frustrated. "Why didn't you help your friend!?"

"Bah," He shrugged. "He can die for all I care."

"That's mean!" The girl huffed. She realised she still had her quirk's effect on the boy and put her finger tips together, the teen falling then being caught in response. "Oops! Sorry, I should've asked if I could use my quirk on you first!"

"I-I-I-uh-" Katsuki sucked his teeth as he laid an arm around his friend's neck, pulling him down a bit.

"What he means is; Thank you." He interpreted. "Now bye, we got a fuckin' exam to do." He pulled the greenette forward by the arm. Walking through the small crowd, the greenette looking back with a sheepish, nervous grin, giving a small wave at the brunette.

Midoriya pulled away and readjusted himself. "Kacchan.... Kacchan I talked to a girl. I talked to a girl, Kacchan!"

"Eh, I wouldn't say you talked to to her exactly." He informed.

"Y-yes I did!" Midoriya defended.

"Okay," Katsuki folded his arms over his chest, smirking as he looked the greenette dead in the eyes. "Then tell me, what exactly did you say to her?"

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