Past problems

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Marcus's POV

I tried to gage her reaction to the news but there was no emotion on her face. She went whiter than I've ever seen and her whole body became tense. My instincts took over and I couldn't help the possessiveness of my actions. After all, she's mine!

I took the phone from her hands and started talking to Alice.

"What does he want?" I growled down the phone.

"Calm down big boy! He wants to talk to Alice. Says it's really important." What the fuck could he want. I bet it's about how he made a mistake and how he wants her back. What total fucking shit! She's taken and I'm not letting her go.

A thought suddenly dawns on me. She said five dates and then I could officially call her mine. What if she takes him back? Would she really chose me over the pathetic excuse of a man she's been with for years?

"Tell him to fuck off and that she's busy for the rest of her life." I'm getting angrier by the second and I can't seem to control my temper. I can't lose her. I fucking won't! It's not an option dammit!

"He's not going until she comes. I'm worried about Roman. He's trying to go out there and kick his teeth in. I can only hold him off for so long!"

"Then leave the house! Go out the back way and go for a walk! I'm not having him come back in her life. Not now, not ever." I'm shaking. It then clicks in my head that the guy who hurt my girl is outside her house and I can finally break a few of his bones.

Everything slows down when I feel her hand take the phone from my grasp. I just stare at her.

"Alice, I'll be there in twenty minutes. Shout it through the door and I won't be long." She shuts off the phone and turns to me. Taking my hand, she leads me to the sofa and gently pushes me to sit down. When I think she's going to sit next to me, she surprises me by straddling me and placing her tiny cold hands on my chest. I feel like I'm starting to breathe again but I can't stop feeling angry yet.

"Shh baby, shh." She raises her hand to my cheek and that's all it takes. I'm hers. I've never felt anything like it. I'm calm and controlled and just listening to the faint sound of her gentle breathing. I could listen to her call me baby for the rest of my life and I fully intend to.

"Thank you sweetheart. I..." I don't know what to say. I'm completely lost for words. It's too soon to tell her the extent of my feelings for her and I need to make sure she's on the same path as me or it could push her away.

"Listen to me very carefully Marcus and do not interrupt me." Wow since when was she the dominant. And since when did it turn me the fuck on? Not now...really not the right time. I take a deep breath and try to stop the blood from going to somewhere in my body that would be inappropriate right now.

I nod my head once so that she knows I'm listening and she takes a deep breath before leaning forward and kissing me on my lips. I think she's going to pull away but she deepens it and slides her tongue into my mouth. I can't help but run my fingers up her thighs and I rest them on her hips. We continue to kiss until our lips are tender and we can't breathe properly.

Leaning her head against mine and her eyes closed, she finally speaks to me about what's going on inside that brilliant head of hers.

"Marcus, I know it's been a short time and I know we are only dating but I can really see us going somewhere. Please don't think I'm going to run back to him. He had his chance and he broke my heart...if I'm being honest...I've felt more and enjoyed life more in the short time I've been spending with you." She smiles shyly and opens her eyes. My eyes blaze into hers and I feel the relief wash over me.

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