Run little boy!

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It's awkward and uncomfortable as I stare at the once familiar face of my ex boyfriend. Gosh that takes some getting used to! I stare at his messy hair, so unlike his usual cropped blonde hair with gel holding it firmly in place. His blue eyes look tired but a hint of something I can't place stirs within them.

I'm vaguely aware of the small shake of his hand every now and then but he has yet to actually speak. His whole body looks uncomfortable but I'm slowly starting to lose my patience. The usual flutter in my stomach whenever I was around him seems to have vanished and that's when a wave of awareness hits me like a truck and I need to sit down.

I walk towards the steps up to the front door and take a seat near the top. I can feel Jackson follow me and he sits on the step above mine and that's when the anger starts to surface. I can feel it running through my veins and slowly starting to take over. How have I never noticed it before?

The more I think about it, the angrier I seem to get. Angry with myself but mostly angry at the pig sitting close to me. He was always under the impression that he was better than me. Always. He never saw us as equals in our relationship and he actually showed it everyday but I was too naive to notice. I can't actually recall a time where he would open a door for me or call me first. It was always me. Always.

"Well as nice as it would be to sit on a cold step in silence, what do you want Jackson?" I don't think I've ever spoken to him like this and he clearly notices my tone. His face scrunches into one of disgust for a second before he plastered on his typical emotionless face with an edge of cockiness there.

"Well, Flissy, I've decided that I think we made a mistake calling us off. I actually think we were good together and just needed this short break to see that clearly." He plants his hand on my shoulder in the least intimate gesture you could possibly do when trying to win your ex back.

I slip the hand off my shoulder and look up at the shock on his face. It's all starting to hit home that I was always a puppet to this man. Although I've succeeded in life and achieved my own goals, I always knew that Jackson wanted to have lots of money and live the highlife. Newsflash. You don't make a great deal of money teaching and it's a hard job with lots of hours. He hated my choice of career and told me countless times to think of something else, even though it's my entire degree!

I've tried for so many years to live up to his expectations and to be the woman he wants me to be and yet he still looked down on me. How could I ever think I fell for this fool? Jackson might be good looking and masculine in his way but the more I look at him the more I can't help but compare him to Marcus.

"I'm actually doing pretty good and my life is a thousand times better. So, as much as I appreciate the offer and seeing you trying to pin the breakup on me, when you were the one who decided you could do better, I'm glad you did it. You set me free and I can see that now. If you hadn't have done that I would be stuck in a dead end relationship, feeling inadequate everyday for the rest of my life." I'm on a roll now and the look of shock on his face spurs me on to continue.

"Jackson, it took you leaving me to see what a true man should actually do for a woman. In the short while I've been dating someone else..." he doesn't now that I've literally had one date with Marcus! "I've been treated like a queen, but more importantly, as an equal. You never saw me as anything other than less than you and the worst part of it it that you don't even seem to notice you're doing it. Like now for instance. You've sat on a higher step than me which highlights your view of me perfectly. Beneath you." I look at him with hurt in my eyes because I can't seem to mask it anymore.

"Flissy, stop acting like a brat. I've never treated you badly and you know that. I bought you whatever you wanted and made sure you had whatever outfits you wanted when you couldn't afford it! I've been nothing but generous and caring toward you Flissy. I don't know where this is coming from but you know I'll give you a better life than whatever guy you're pretending to be dating right now." Is he serious? My temper is only going to hold for so long. I've never been this angry in my life but I have to stay calm because Marcus will hear me shout and probably send Jackson on his way. As much as I'd like that, this is the best closure I've had since the break up.

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